渥汰华中区保守党候选人凯思 方潭的竞选纲领(最新版)


"实话告诉你,如果我不看好Keith Fountain胜算几率很大,我也不会盲目地帮他竞选。徒劳无功的买卖俺是不干地。我看Keith Fountain不但能胜选,而且如保守党胜出,他很有可能入阁当部长。"

I don't want to bash you here. You just want be like that "stip dancer" to abtain some benifit from this elction. GOOD LUCK TO YOU.

However, you have no knowlege of political history of this country, you made up a lot thing to persvade readers here to help you to achieve your goal. Readers here should vote whatever parties they feel like . I only pointed out one fact that the Conservtive goverment only had 2 seats in 92 Elction, Prime Minister Kim Cambell at the time did even not be elected.( She should had been put most safe riding, Conservtive's backyard). The pains the Conservtive made for most Canadians are still hurting someone. Now the Conservtive combined with the far right Reform party ( used to be strong against immigration), nobody knows what they could do if they were elcted. The most readers here, I belive, only had one or two elction experineces. they may not know political party's structure in western world: The Conservtive ( Republic in US), Liberal( Demacratic in US), NDP ( Labour in UK, Australia, NZ), They are from Right to Left and each party also has left wings and right wings. In the elction, people have their own right to chose the party they feel the right . Only one thing needs to remind: NEVER EVER TRUST ANY ELCTION PROMISES. The party you chose should based on their political base, eg. priciples.

I stop here and won't argue any feed back.If you think all are bullshit, just forget them. Thanks.
最初由 auca 发布

"实话告诉你,如果我不看好Keith Fountain胜算几率很大,我也不会盲目地帮他竞选。徒劳无功的买卖俺是不干地。我看Keith Fountain不但能胜选,而且如保守党胜出,他很有可能入阁当部长。"

I don't want to bash you here. You just want be like that "stip dancer" to abtain some benifit from this elction. GOOD LUCK TO YOU.

However, you have no knowlege of political history of this country, you made up a lot thing to persvade readers here to help you to achieve your goal. Readers here should vote whatever parties they feel like . I only pointed out one fact that the Conservtive goverment only had 2 seats in 92 Elction, Prime Minister Kim Cambell at the time did even not be elected.( She should had been put most safe riding, Conservtive's backyard). The pains the Conservtive made for most Canadians are still hurting someone. Now the Conservtive combined with the far right Reform party ( used to be strong against immigration), nobody knows what they could do if they were elcted. The most readers here, I belive, only had one or two elction experineces. they may not know political party's structure in western world: The Conservtive ( Republic in US), Liberal( Demacratic in US), NDP ( Labour in UK, Australia, NZ), They are from Right to Left and each party also has left wings and right wings. In the elction, people have their own right to chose the party they feel the right . Only one thing needs to remind: NEVER EVER TRUST ANY ELCTION PROMISES. The party you chose should based on their political base, eg. priciples.

I stop here and won't argue any feed back.If you think all are bullshit, just forget them. Thanks.
The sentence you quoted mine is a joke, anybody can see it. If you take it seriously, I can do nothing. In 1992, the Conservative made a big mistake to let Kim Cambell to lead the party, but dump Jean Sharest, who is still the very young, and smartest conservative leader. One loss is not the end of the world. As you said, the current Conservative Party is totally different from the old one. Let us see the people's selection by Jan. 23. Thank you for your post.
最初由 finalwinner 发布

1)来个恶人先告状。明明是你要把自己的观点强加给别人,怎么反说被人强加了。俺在替此Keith Fountain发贴。你大老远地跑来,蛮不讲理地指责一通。什么都没看见,就说看谁都不顺眼。俺告诉你Keith很顺眼,你又说强加给你了。真是不可礼遇。
2)你这人怎么喜欢用前年的日历做根据。上次大选是2004,现在是2006年。醒醒盹儿吧,朋友!事过境迁,一切都变了。首先,NDP当年以41%当选的本选区前议员今年已宣布正式退休。这将是NDP的一个重大损失。新的NDP候选人还嫩儿了点。像你说的,绿党(Green Party)想在渥汰华拿到他们的第一席难度比较大, 可能性很小(你可能要浪费你那一票)。其它几个党加在一起也不到1.5%。统计学上讲属于小概率事件,不计也罢。自由党就更不用提了。人心向背,改变的呼声已一浪高过一浪。设想每三个人中有两个要变,你还守的住吗?(政治调查表明要求改变现状的人数已达59%,而不想变的已从40%降到30%)。“刻舟求剑,守株待兔”的事,春秋战国时干干还行,到现代再学,有点不合时宜喽。

实话告诉你,如果我不看好Keith Fountain胜算几率很大,我也不会盲目地帮他竞选。徒劳无功的事俺是不干地。我看Keith Fountain不但能胜选,而且如保守党胜出,他很有可能入阁当部长。不服地话,1月23日大选揭晓时再来理论。
我想声明一下,我上面的最后一段话,实际上是句玩笑话。原想幽默一下,活跃一下气氛。我从来没想到过会因此冒犯某些读者。对加拿大选民来说,希望本选区的候选人胜出,入阁当部长是天经地义的事。并为此而骄傲。因为那样会更有效的为本区选民争取利益。如果国人认为这是一种冒犯,是一种吹牛拍马的行迳,我为此向读者道歉,并可以收回那段文字。不过,我还是要说,我对Keith Fountain能胜出是有信心的。我的人生哲学是:自信就是对自己,对自己从事的事充满信心。如果你自己都不能相信自己,怎么能指望别人相信你呢。
最初由 finalwinner 发布

不知你除了电视上看过史蒂文 哈勃外,见过几个保守党候选人真人?退一步说,此次大选不但是选执政党,而且也是选你本选区的议员。Keith Fountain可是个年轻有为的帅哥,1米85以上的大个,会让你看着非常顺眼的。咳,国人喜欢以貌取人的风气何时了啊。

又不是选美!:o 人家说的不顺眼,是保守党则作风,亲美,不体恤弱势群体,种族,反移民.... 亲法 轮
最初由 对不起,他是我的 发布

又不是选美!:o 人家说的不顺眼,是保守党则作风,亲美,不体恤弱势群体,种族,反移民.... 亲法 轮
呵呵,大帽子倒不少,可以演帽子戏法了。只可惜缺少了事实根据。怎么听起来像文革时期中国的上纲上线。例如:亲美 - 如果你的外贸出口的80-85%销向美国,应该说是你的最大的贸易伙伴吧。你和你的最大伙伴不友好,那可是经济上的自杀。你不想让更多的人立刻失业吧。
最初由 对不起,他是我的 发布
呵呵 说的难听点 如果保守党当选 简直是社会的倒退 !
前进还是后退要先看看你自己站的方向。如果你背向正义,视腐败,结党赢私为正常,无所为。那么保守党的任何一项整肃贪官污吏的政策你都会视为倒退。自由党倒是在“向钱看”。听到今天的新闻了吗?为了Income Trust交易一案,RCMP正在调查自由党的三个部长,外加总理办公室的三位亲信。如果因为谁和总理办公室有联系,事先得到内部消息,谁就能在股市关门前一小时内净赚10%利润。这样的政府,你叫他是“钱近还是后退”。他们赚的是谁的钱?那是平民百姓的钱,你,我这样没有内线人的钱。当自由党财政部长宣布要作政策研究是否对Income Trust 增加新税时,股市中这一类投资一周之内平均降价了10%-15%.多少人的退休金,养老金随这项似有似无的政策研究付诸东流。你想过这些人今后将怎么渡日吗?你的心可能很好,只是这个自由党政府太不给你争气。丑闻一个接一个。真不明白你为什么对它还是爱不释手。
In 1992, the PC would lose anyway even if they had chosen Jean Charest as the party leader. At that time the voters just detested Brian Mulroney and were determined to throw the PC out.

I agree with ouca, the present Conservative Party is a reincarnation of the Reform Party. The old PC fraction (the so-called Red Tories) had already been marginalized when Stephen Harper was elected the leader. The Reform Party has a long history of far-right tendencies with strong anti-immigration tones. A lot of their candidates in Western Canada had also made anti-Chinese racist comments before. For this alone, I won't vote for the Conservatives in the next election.
最初由 Michel 发布
In 1992, the PC would lose anyway even if they had chosen Jean Charest as the party leader. At that time the voters just detested Brian Mulroney and were determined to throw the PC out.

I agree with ouca, the present Conservative Party is a reincarnation of the Reform Party. The old PC fraction (the so-called Red Tories) had already been marginalized when Stephen Harper was elected the leader. The Reform Party has a long history of far-right tendencies with strong anti-immigration tones. A lot of their candidates in Western Canada had also made anti-Chinese racist comments before. For this alone, I won't vote for the Conservatives in the next election.
I suggest you come down a little, rethinking your decision. You are right, the Conservative Party is not perfect, and had problems long time before (Stephen Harper acknowledged this today), but they are the best choice today to fight for the Liberal's corruption. When you could not find the best, you can choose the second best. As far as "anti-Chinese racist comments" are concerns, most people remember the most recent "anti-Chinese racist comments" made by the Liberal's vice chainman in Ontario on his website (comparing a Chinese female candidate with a puppy dog). Furthermore, Stephen Harper had announced yesterday that his government will apologize for the Head-Tax on the Chinese immigrants in the 19 century, and reopen the negotiation with the broad Chinese communities on the compensation. I am working on the translation for this news, and hope to post here at the evening. Thank you for your post.


题目: 哈珀重申对“征收华人人头税”一事应予以道歉

发自多伦多市: 在一次竞选演说中当阐述保守党的移民政策时,保守党领袖斯蒂文 哈珀旧事重提,他认为对华人征收人头税和排华法案的那段历史是不公平的,他支持政府应该予以公开道歉的要求。



最近的媒体报道:自由党的内阁部长们,如大卫 埃默生(David Emerson)和乌吉 多森内(Ujjal Dosanijh)都已经对自由党政府拒绝就“华人人头税”事件公开道歉一事持反对意见,而总理保罗 马丁和多元文化部长雷蒙 陈(Raymond Chan华裔, 陈卓愈)却仍旧不睬众怒,一意孤行。坚持政府绝不道歉这一颇受争议的立场。

“这是自由党言行不一的又一实例”。 保守党竞选主席约翰雷纳德(John Teynolds)说:此事从某种程度上传出了一个清晰的信号:自由党本身已到了穷途末路的地步,而内阁部长们为了保自己的选票不得不开始与政府那颇有争议的官方立场分道扬镳了。
发自北部湾市(North Bay)― 保守党领导人斯蒂文哈珀今日发表如下声明:



January 4, 2006

Harper reiterates call for Chinese head tax apology
TORONTO - In a campaign speech outlining his party’s position on immigration, Conservative leader Stephen Harper reiterated his support for an apology for the Chinese Head Tax and Exclusion Act.

In speaking to an audience largely made up of new Canadians, Harper said:

“It is tough to immigrate to Canada and it will probably never be easy. In the past it was harder, sometimes unjustifiably unfair. That’s why, for example, our Chinese Canadian community deserves an apology for the Head Tax and appropriate acknowledgement and redress of that wrong.”

On December 8, 2005, Harper issued a statement in which he said, “The Conservative Party has long recognized the terrible historical wrong of the Chinese head tax. It is time for Parliament and the Government of Canada to recognize this grave injustice, and to apologize for it.”

Recent media reports indicate that Liberal ministers such as David Emerson and Ujjal Dosanjh are running against their own government’s refusal to issue an apology for the Chinese head tax, while Paul Martin and Multiculturalism Minister Raymond Chan continue to support the government’s controversial position on the issue.

“This is yet another example of Liberals now running against their own record,” said Conservative campaign co-chair John Reynolds. “This is a clear sign of a government in panic mode, with ministers starting to contradict the official government position.”
Statement by Stephen Harper on Chinese head tax redress
08 December 2005
NORTH BAY- Conservative leader Stephen Harper issued the following statement today:
“The Conservative Party has long recognized the terrible historical wrong of the Chinese head tax. It is time for Parliament and the Government of Canada to recognize this grave injustice, and to apologize for it.
I acknowledge the efforts of Conservative parliamentarians and candidates to obtain a just redress of the head tax. These efforts are in keeping with the historical achievement of a previous Conservative government in addressing the unjust internment of Japanese Canadians.
Any redress should also acknowledge the invaluable contribution made to Canada by the Chinese-Canadian community. A Conservative government would work with the entire Chinese-Canadian community to establish a consensus for reconciliation and redress.”
楼主动作真快呀,今天才在ottawa citizen上看到相关的内容。翻译得不错,赞一下:)
Paul Martin also said that he would apologize and compensate the head tax payers if the Liberal comes to power.
Re: 哈珀重申对“征收华人人头税”一事应予以道歉


最初由 finalwinner 发布

Totally agree. We should all participate fully, not only federally but also in provincial and municipal elections.
最初由 finalwinner 发布

我想声明一下,我上面的最后一段话,实际上是句玩笑话。原想幽默一下,活跃一下气氛。我从来没想到过会因此冒犯某些读者。对加拿大选民来说,希望本选区的候选人胜出,入阁当部长是天经地义的事。并为此而骄傲。因为那样会更有效的为本区选民争取利益。如果国人认为这是一种冒犯,是一种吹牛拍马的行迳,我为此向读者道歉,并可以收回那段文字。不过,我还是要说,我对Keith Fountain能胜出是有信心的。我的人生哲学是:自信就是对自己,对自己从事的事充满信心。如果你自己都不能相信自己,怎么能指望别人相信你呢。

不相信是句玩笑, 而相信是你发自内心的表白。虽然如此, 我还是支持你。希望你主观为自己, 客观为华人。因保守党的背景和理念,个人觉得在保守党内比在自由党内较难服务华人。