最初由 yokel 发布
"Government, for evil or for good, is chosen by its people who have the power to change the way government behaves or change the government itself."
"The American people chose to get rid of British government because of intoerable oppression by the British government."
It's just to show how ignorant you are. The American British War around 1777 was totally different from the situation in China today. Here are some of the differences:
- There were very few British army in the colonies unlike the army, armed police, police, secrete police etc all over the places in China.
- No media control from British government
- No systematic governmental control on society from the top to the smallest unit in villages
- No nation-wide British police control
- No firearm control
- No control on forming armies and militia, and parties
- Big culture difference
The list can go on and on. Does any of the factors apply to China? If China had only one difference such as having a freedom of press, then you will see difference.
"Did you stand up and fight like the courageous young man who stood in front of the column of tanks in Beijing in 1989?"
There ARE many ways to improve the democracy in China. Protesting in Tian An Meng Square in 89 may not be the most efficient way to do that. It is definitely not the only way to do it. Have you heard Gandhi's Peace (or None-Violance) Movement which dethroned the British government in India? That's just to show there are many other ways to do it. Improving democracy is like everything in life that is doing the right thing at the right time. I guess this approach or mentality is against your "black or white" way of thinking.
It's hard to believe for someone approaching 40 and still having this type of mentality. Or he is deliberately trying to confuse/mislead people. Or these are things he just dare not to say in order to protect what he's got even if he knew it is an absolute truth...It's a bit hypocritic and insidious for such a person to try to on one hand blame Chinese people for the existance of the totalitarian regime that'll not hesitate to use machine guns and tanks on its citizens, and on the other hand incite people should use force at all costs to "stand up and fight" and "face the danger of being jailed", isn't it?...
I am not saying that citizens have no responsibilities to participate in improving democracy, but purposely exagerating the role of forceful or violant actions by citizens at a particular point in history is misleading and dangerous to the cause of democracy in China.
"The black chose to end racial segregation in the US by forcing the government to mend its ways."
Ignorant again. The US black movement in the 60s could ONLY exist or happen in a democratic society. In today's China there's abolutely no freedom of association. You could not even form a union in a factory, let alone a city-wide, province-wide, or nation-wide union in any trade, let more alone a nation-wide organization with cross-board social agendas such as the black movement/organization led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr..
"do you have the courage to admit your guilt, even before your god?"
Now you are both pretending a judge passing a verdict that I already have a guilt, and acting like a religious fanatic pushing a God on me. I have already told you that I do not consider myself Christian, and how many times I need to tell you again? Also, I do not have guilt for what happened in 98 in Beijing, although I do have sympathy for those young lives lost and I do have condolence for their families. Take is easy, you're getting a bit too desperate...
""Religion is like sex" is a statement made by many others."
- First of all, I am not sure how "many others" have made that statement, or have that kind of belief, or even have that kind of thought. Maybe you heard it a lot from people around you, but definitely not that often down here. You can ask people in the forum how often they hear that.
- Second, I haven't seen any authoritative religious books such as the Bible and Koran etc. preaching this kind of doctrines, or even implying this kind of idea/thought.
- Third, it seems to show that your judgement of truth is very much depending on the number of people who say so or you claim they say so. Most mature people with certain amount of intelligence would rather judge by facts or merits.
- Fourth, religious or spiritual experiences brings you the realm and depth that are much more than what sex may bring you. For example, it may give you the spiritual enlightenment or height/level of spiritual purification that sex could not reach. If that were the case, sex would have long replaced all kinds of meditations and abstinence.
There are many things you do in life can give you the feelings you mentioned, but that doesn't mean doing all those things are necessarily religious experiences or religious practice. For example, after long and excruciating wait, you finally had the chance to go to washroom to do your business. You then feel "gratifying" and "uplifting". You tell me how many people'll be running out of washroom shouting "Religion is like sh*ting!"? I won't be surprised to see you are the only one who is shouting that statement and keeps telling us "that is a statement made by many others." I would recommend you stop trying so hard to hide the ugliness of your statement and your shallow and distorted understanding of religions because everyone can see your statement is degrading, cynical, bitter and sacrilegious towards religions and people who believe in them.
By the way, what are the new exciting discoveries you have found after comparing China with the countries of your favorite category?...
Having seen all what you believe and what you have said in your last several comments, I still won't question your intelligence, because it is not only a game only kids enjoy playing and only for those so insecured about their intelligence, but also won't be necessary now...![]()
最初由 wushuren 发布
最初由 yokel 发布
[There are many things you do in life can give you the feelings you mentioned, but that doesn't mean doing all those things are necessarily religious experiences or religious practice. For example, after long and excruciating wait, you finally had the chance to go to washroom to do your business. You then feel "gratifying" and "uplifting". You tell me how many people'll be running out of washroom shouting "Religion is like sh*ting!"? I won't be surprised to see you are the only one who is shouting that statement and keeps telling us "that is a statement made by many others." I would recommend you stop trying so hard to hide the ugliness of your statement and your shallow and distorted understanding of religions because everyone can see your statement is degrading, cynical, bitter and sacrilegious towards religions and people who believe in them.
最初由 roaring mouse 发布
据说白人的基因中,都含有那个1百万年前的黑人基因,即使他们是从未混血过的白人。 our genes are not much differnt from those of chickens. you believers could wish monkeys, snakes, dogs all use different gentic codes.
按照圣经的话,搞乱人们的语言并把人分散到各地的正是这个造物主或者这个神圣的规律和本质。how could your god do that? people spoke the same language and suddenly they spoke different languages. these folks must be smart as it took time to master a different language. your god did not want people to cooperate by communication.
最初由 roaring mouse 发布
据说白人的基因中,都含有那个1百万年前的黑人基因,即使他们是从未混血过的白人。 our genes are not much differnt from those of chickens. you believers could wish monkeys, snakes, dogs all use different gentic codes.
按照圣经的话,搞乱人们的语言并把人分散到各地的正是这个造物主或者这个神圣的规律和本质。how could your god do that? people spoke the same language and suddenly they spoke different languages. these folks must be smart as it took time to master a different language. your god did not want people to cooperate by communication.
最初由 过客 发布
世人多跳不出用主观标准去判定事物善恶的局限. 和客观存在的万事万物一样, 人类的"言语交流"这个东西本无所谓好与坏, 只不过其看似"有利于"所谓"物质文明"的"发展"而被人类赋予"好"的头衔, 因而阻碍"交流"的一切则顺理成章地被视为"不好". 其实顺畅的"交流"会将人类带向何方, 只有"天"知道. "阻碍交流"对人类是"好"是'坏", 也只有"天"知道.
在真正永恒自在的那个"存在"(我不知其名, 强谓之"天", 或"道", 或"神"...)面前, 万物都是渺小的因而也都是平等的. 老子所言"天地不仁, 以万物为刍狗"正是此意.
最初由 wushuren 发布
最初由 roaring mouse 发布
the event happened suddenly if you read your nt well. i remember it was when the poor folks tried to build a tower to rival heaven.
如果现代人的鼻祖确实是从非洲走出来的,需要人们覆盖整个大地才是最要紧的欧。in the first place, people had to stay togather to ward off the threats of nature and also for the purpose of multiplication. when homo sapiens reached a critical mass in a confined area, then there was the need to migrate. if there were only a man and woman, one went to asia and the other went to antartica, that defeated the purpose of your god.
最初由 wushuren 发布
sorry, too early.
最初由 wushuren 发布
sorry, too early.
最初由 yokel 发布
"Government, for evil or for good, is chosen by its people who have the power to change the way government behaves or change the government itself."
"The American people chose to get rid of British government because of intoerable oppression by the British government."
It's just to show how ignorant you are. The American British War around 1777 was totally different from the situation in China today. Here are some of the differences:
- There were very few British army in the colonies unlike the army, armed police, police, secrete police etc all over the places in China.
- No media control from British government
- No systematic governmental control on society from the top to the smallest unit in villages
- No nation-wide British police control
- No firearm control
- No control on forming armies and militia, and parties
- Big culture difference
The list can go on and on. Does any of the factors apply to China? If China had only one difference such as having a freedom of press, then you will see difference.
"Did you stand up and fight like the courageous young man who stood in front of the column of tanks in Beijing in 1989?"
There ARE many ways to improve the democracy in China. Protesting in Tian An Meng Square in 89 may not be the most efficient way to do that. It is definitely not the only way to do it. Have you heard Gandhi's Peace (or None-Violance) Movement which dethroned the British government in India? That's just to show there are many other ways to do it. Improving democracy is like everything in life that is doing the right thing at the right time. I guess this approach or mentality is against your "black or white" way of thinking.
It's hard to believe for someone approaching 40 and still having this type of mentality. Or he is deliberately trying to confuse/mislead people. Or these are things he just dare not to say in order to protect what he's got even if he knew it is an absolute truth...It's a bit hypocritic and insidious for such a person to try to on one hand blame Chinese people for the existance of the totalitarian regime that'll not hesitate to use machine guns and tanks on its citizens, and on the other hand incite people should use force at all costs to "stand up and fight" and "face the danger of being jailed", isn't it?...
I am not saying that citizens have no responsibilities to participate in improving democracy, but purposely exagerating the role of forceful or violant actions by citizens at a particular point in history is misleading and dangerous to the cause of democracy in China.
"The black chose to end racial segregation in the US by forcing the government to mend its ways."
Ignorant again. The US black movement in the 60s could ONLY exist or happen in a democratic society. In today's China there's abolutely no freedom of association. You could not even form a union in a factory, let alone a city-wide, province-wide, or nation-wide union in any trade, let more alone a nation-wide organization with cross-board social agendas such as the black movement/organization led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr..
"do you have the courage to admit your guilt, even before your god?"
Now you are both pretending a judge passing a verdict that I already have a guilt, and acting like a religious fanatic pushing a God on me. I have already told you that I do not consider myself Christian, and how many times I need to tell you again? Also, I do not have guilt for what happened in 98 in Beijing, although I do have sympathy for those young lives lost and I do have condolence for their families. Take is easy, you're getting a bit too desperate...
""Religion is like sex" is a statement made by many others."
- First of all, I am not sure how "many others" have made that statement, or have that kind of belief, or even have that kind of thought. Maybe you heard it a lot from people around you, but definitely not that often down here. You can ask people in the forum how often they hear that.
- Second, I haven't seen any authoritative religious books such as the Bible and Koran etc. preaching this kind of doctrines, or even implying this kind of idea/thought.
- Third, it seems to show that your judgement of truth is very much depending on the number of people who say so or you claim they say so. Most mature people with certain amount of intelligence would rather judge by facts or merits.
- Fourth, religious or spiritual experiences brings you the realm and depth that are much more than what sex may bring you. For example, it may give you the spiritual enlightenment or height/level of spiritual purification that sex could not reach. If that were the case, sex would have long replaced all kinds of meditations and abstinence.
There are many things you do in life can give you the feelings you mentioned, but that doesn't mean doing all those things are necessarily religious experiences or religious practice. For example, after long and excruciating wait, you finally had the chance to go to washroom to do your business. You then feel "gratifying" and "uplifting". You tell me how many people'll be running out of washroom shouting "Religion is like sh*ting!"? I won't be surprised to see you are the only one who is shouting that statement and keeps telling us "that is a statement made by many others." I would recommend you stop trying so hard to hide the ugliness of your statement and your shallow and distorted understanding of religions because everyone can see your statement is degrading, cynical, bitter and sacrilegious towards religions and people who believe in them.
By the way, what are the new exciting discoveries you have found after comparing China with the countries of your favorite category?...
Having seen all what you believe and what you have said in your last several comments, I still won't question your intelligence, because it is not only a game only kids enjoy playing and only for those so insecured about their intelligence, but also won't be necessary now...![]()