Re: Re: Re: 135不太好吧
Hi, DoD
Thanks for your informative message. Sorry I reply you with simple Englsih. (Maybe it seems like a way being calm.
Beacause I love 135 so much and I have married with 135, I won't degrade her respects. Although,to be honest, I like 120 too, she is great, and always that attractive, I only say hello to her with my respect in most of time, .
With respect to the issue how good quality my 135 equipments are, what I'm thinking is:
The equipments are good enough for David_lee, in terms of my skills. I'm thinking they are good enough to interpret the beauty of the world, to portrait the beauty of people, to describe the beauty of the story. and to make beautiful more beautiful.
From DoD's words, people can see you are proficient in photography.
Regarding to the issue who is the King of the portrait or photography world, 135 or 120. David thinks it is a long long story to play. Maybe we could find time later to share the successful experiences both of 135 and 120.
I will not tend to push myself to be the top-class level photographer of the world, to make money USD$800.00/per hour, so above USD$10000.00 camera body will be my sweet dream forever. You know I'm "a business man," to make my photoworks more valuable than my camera is my goal.
David is kind of wordy man, sorry for giving your sense of I'm crazy...:blowzy:
最初由 DoD 发布
DDDD 和 David 都是高手。我只是票友。不过发表一下意见而已。 David 不必激动。
怪我表达不清、不正确。确实不能说玩135的都是业余的。象david说的国家地理的摄影师多数不会扛个笨重的120到野外跋山涉水。 不过我自己的观察专业的室内人像拍摄或静物广告拍摄,确实大都用的120。David说中国影楼用120都是摆谱装样。我想不尽然吧。至少我看过一些外国著名摄影师访谈记录片,在工作室内拍人像和静物一般还是用120的。当然新闻记者是不会用120的,那还不累死他?
具体的技术指标我不太清楚。毕竟我不是专业人士。不过就我看过的入门级的120相机拍的相片 和半专业135相机拍的人像。 120 照片我感觉分辨率要高,更锐利一些。
最后,再次申明,我只是一个爱好者,谈不上有什么摄影知识,有的只是一些感性的认识而已。 大家讨论一下也有助我增加我的知识。 只是请大家不要激动。