精华 懒人养草书

去年入冬新种的草要施肥吗?还是等长一年后。现在草皮和下面TOP SOIL还i没长在一起呢。
new lawn would need the most, do it now.
上个月刚刚新铺的草皮, 请人铺的, 当时不太了解, 后来发现他们没有加TOPSOIL就直接铺到了原来的草上, 就把原来的就草皮和杂草翻过来和在一起, 现在草地有点高低不平, 想请问, 杂草的根是不是会顶开草皮长出来? 如果是现在如何处理呢?另外新草施肥用什么比例的肥料比较好, 谢谢
NO. Most of them would die.
Scotts® Turf Builder® Starter™ Lawn Fertilizer 24-24-4
But not really matter. anything would work.
1 现在马上是秋天了,看这个贴,应该可以开始整院子了吧。
2 有没有家庭种植人造草的(足球草皮那种),有什么优缺点。
3 如果重新翻土的话,土里的根是不是都要除尽。
4 铺草皮之前,要用top soil把土整平,有没有什么诀窍。
5 在哪里可以买到草皮,(Rona, DP),哪种草皮比较好。
6 后院这么大,有没有其他可替代的方法。
蒲公英 is not a big deal. They wouldn't live over the winter. I usually don't pull them. Just mow them down, The key is mow them before they seed. When you see flowers, mow them. For the strongest one I would use weed killer like roundup to kill them.
蒲公英 grow faster then grass but don't take mowing very well.
Grass would take mowing and would out compete 蒲公英 if you put seeds, fertilizing and watering.
So if 蒲公英 is your only problem. You should buy grass seeds, fertilizer . rake the lawn off dead grass , expose the soil, spread the seeds and rake again make sure seeds are mixed in with soil, spread fertilizer then water.

Most lawn go bad is because the owner did not do the basic, seeding, fertilizing and wait to long to mow the lawn.
The grass is not 野草 是庄稼. lawn is not natural grass land, is farm field. Did you even seen natural grass land has only one kind of grass and so tightly grow together. The lawn is very unnatural environment. If you want it to look good, you have to feed the lawn.
蒲公英 is not a big deal. They wouldn't live over the winter. I usually don't pull them. Just mow them down, The key is mow them before they seed. When you see flowers, mow them. For the strongest one I would use weed killer like roundup to kill them.
蒲公英 grow faster then grass but don't take mowing very well.
Grass would take mowing and would out compete 蒲公英 if you put seeds, fertilizing and watering.
So if 蒲公英 is your only problem. You should buy grass seeds, fertilizer . rake the lawn off dead grass , expose the soil, spread the seeds and rake again make sure seeds are mixed in with soil, spread fertilizer then water.

Most lawn go bad is because the owner did not do the basic, seeding, fertilizing and wait to long to mow the lawn.
The grass is not 野草 是庄稼. lawn is not natural grass land, is farm field. Did you even seen natural grass land has only one kind of grass and so tightly grow together. The lawn is very unnatural environment. If you want it to look good, you have to feed the lawn.


It is OK too. If you hire them to redo the lawn next spring .

Hi Tim, our lawn over all is ok, the only thing is 参茈不齐,seems like its the grove between every piece of grass, what can I do with this issue? thank you.
Seeding. In last two years I tested a way of seeding. It works fine. In the end of October or early November, after all leaf were gone. I used lawn mow to cut grass very shot and collect all leaf( It is very easy, since all leaf were chipped to small pieces). I raked the lawn to expose the soil, I hand seeded lawn, rake it again try to mix the soil with seeds.( use metal rake and short and hard motion)and spread fertilizer with spreader. Snow would cover the lawn and push the seed on to the soil. Some weak seeds would die over the winter, so use little more seeds than you seed lawn in fall. In spring the seeds would germinate early, as soon as snow melt.
thank you

thank you Tim, I will give it a try. hopefully I will have a green and even lawn next year.:)
Seeding. In last two years I tested a way of seeding. It works fine. In the end of October or early November, after all leaf were gone. I used lawn mow to cut grass very shot and collect all leaf( It is very easy, since all leaf were chipped to small pieces). I raked the lawn to expose the soil, I hand seeded lawn, rake it again try to mix the soil with seeds.( use metal rake and short and hard motion)and spread fertilizer with spreader. Snow would cover the lawn and push the seed on to the soil. Some weak seeds would die over the winter, so use little more seeds than you seed lawn in fall. In spring the seeds would germinate early, as soon as snow melt.
请问Timothy‘s, 现在补草籽是不是太晚了,是不是只能等到开春再补了?谢谢!