精华 懒人养草书

Most weed is annually. And perennial one are very vulnerable to mowing. if you keep use your lawn mower to mow the weed down.So they don't get the chance to flower and seeding, they would die over the winter. If there is not too much you can pull them too. This years weather is wired, I put out seeds even two weeks ago. They already done very well, So much good rain.
KILLEX don't kill grass, but young grass don't take it well. Just let it be. When grass get to the mowing hight, mow the grass. Most weed could be wipe out after few mowing.
1) 光撒草籽等老天浇水,如果连续1个星期不下雨,草籽不活吧

请问, 听说有一种除杂草的什么东西, 不允许卖了,是killex 吗?
Yes killex is out. Round up is still available. But round up would kill every plant, not selective. I am developing a method to use round up to be more selective. If it works I would post it for next year.
Yes killex is out. Round up is still available. But round up would kill every plant, not selective. I am developing a method to use round up to be more selective. If it works I would post it for next year.






I think you soil is lack of nutrition. The small weed is white clover, it is not a problem. It is a nitrogen fix kind. It compete well with grass when there is lack of fertilizer but if there is enough fertilizer, grass should over come it. I think you need to buy some new soil, and grass seeds ( sun and shade mix is fine), and fertilizer. rake the top soil loose, mix in new soil, spread seeds by hand , cover seeds with soil. spread fertilizer ( there is seeding fertilizer, ) , water , water, water , everyday for at least three weeks. fertilizer again with regular fertilizer. You have to water the lawn regularly this year over the summer. It takes a year for new grass to fully develop its roots.

According to your picture, and white clover is growing. The soil is short of nitric. You have to put lot of fertilizer in.

The weather is just right now, You could do it right away.
I think you soil is lack of nutrition.


According to your picture, and white clover is growing. The soil is short of nitric. You have to put lot of fertilizer in.

The weather is just right now, You could do it right away.

Tim版主真的是非常professional :cool::cool::cool:


best way is to buy a bottle of " round up" in Walmart or Canadian Tire and a small cheap paint brush.

Round up is no selective herbicides would kill most plants, so be carefull. It would kill grass too. You get a small bowl , put it some round up, dip the paint brush in. You grab the crabgrass, brush the round up on the leaf, only need brush two or three leafs. Plant would absorb it throuhg leaf and transport it to roots, it would kill the plant in 7 days. The roots would die too, so it wouldn't grow back. The dead plant would hold the spot, so not soil for weed seeds, no hole. The grass would take it over space.

It is very safe chemical ,only kill plants, used in agriculture many years. And you brush the plane, there is very small amount. It is safe for kids.
best way is to buy a bottle of " round up" in Walmart or Canadian Tire and a small cheap paint brush.


It is very safe chemical ,only kill plants, used in agriculture many years. And you brush the plane, there is very small amount. It is safe for kids.

再次感谢Tim版主 :cool::cool::cool:

一直以为斩草除根是最好的办法,结果却好像怎么也拔不完。回头去试试“round up”。