精华 如何到美国买新车回加拿大?

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My god, you made it finally.


Thank you for all the information CGI, your information is great help.

I parked the Van at a hotel in US at the moment, I didn't have to pay them anything to park for 4 days( in case someone try to do the same)

I couldn't get hold of your guy work at rent a wreck.

我先到美国海关,Ogdensburg, St Lawrence, New York ,对面是加拿大Prescott, Ontario. 就是 HW-416 到头,把相关文件原件交了, 美国海关接受文件是7天/24小时。 因为现在美国出口车,在递交文件后, 要等72小时,车才可以离开美国, 我就在Ogdensburg找了个地方停车,50美元72小时: Larry (315) 393-4750 ( Rent a wreck )。 老婆开车把我给接回来了,从Ottawa到那里,也就1小时,顺便可以shopping 一下,那里有个Walmart。

Very valuable and helpful information: Thanks.

Any security concern when you parked the vehicle there for 3 days? Is there any indoor parking at Ogdensburg?

我先到美国海关,Ogdensburg, St Lawrence, New York ,对面是加拿大Prescott, Ontario. 就是 HW-416 到头,把相关文件原件交了, 美国海关接受文件是7天/24小时。 因为现在美国出口车,在递交文件后, 要等72小时,车才可以离开美国, 我就在Ogdensburg找了个地方停车,50美元72小时: Larry (315) 393-4750 ( Rent a wreck )。 老婆开车把我给接回来了,从Ottawa到那里,也就1小时,顺便可以shopping 一下,那里有个Walmart。

Very valuable and helpful information: Thanks.

Any security concern when you parked the vehicle there for 3 days? Is there any indoor parking at Ogdensburg?


我也曾经试图找indoor parking at Ogdensburg,但是没找到。Larry (315) 393-4750 ( Rent a wreck ), 那是个小租车公司,他用两辆不常用的自用车停在我的车两边,这样比较保险。

我也曾经试图找indoor parking at Ogdensburg,但是没找到。Larry (315) 393-4750 ( Rent a wreck ), 那是个小租车公司,他用两辆不常用的自用车停在我的车两边,这样比较保险。


Thanks. The safety is my first concern. I found U-HAUL CENTER at CANTON is a not a bad place which may have some in-door parking(storeage room). It is about 30km away from the port.
Is there anyone here imported 2008 Toyota-Camy from US?
I have just got my Ontario license plate yesterday.

Let me tell you, it makes me feel good to know that I can drive the Van for 2 or 3 years and still sell for what I paid for.

I want to thank all of the people who contributed to this forum. Especially CGI, you been great help with providing the information on the process of how to bring the car over step by step.

I don't think I would be able to do this without the help from all of you guys. We got a great community here.
Is there anyone here imported 2008 Toyota-Camy from US?

You can save about $6,000 on Camry.

Unless the Canadian Government changes the policy on the requirements putted on all the cars made after September the first (I have heard they may change this requirement), you may have a hard time to locate a new Camry that's built before the 1st of September.

Also due to the fact dealer in US may not give you much of a discount off MSRP and the dealers in Canada will, the saving of $6,000 may go down to around $4,000.

Even if the Canadian government do change the policy on cars built after the 1st of September, you will still need to spend some money to make the modifications.

I'm not sure if import a Camry is worth it.


I have just got my Ontario license plate yesterday.

Let me tell you, it makes me feel good to know that I can drive the Van for 2 or 3 years and still sell for what I paid for.


That's right. Sell your used one(if not too old) to your Canada dealer and go to the south to buy a brand new one with the same amount of money.
[FONT=宋体]三周前去美国买了辆[/FONT]Toyota Sienna[FONT=宋体],补充一些新内容。[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]我是看[/FONT]CFC[FONT=宋体]才知道如何从美国买车的,很感谢的[/FONT]CCT,CGI[FONT=宋体]等人的[/FONT][FONT=宋体]买车经验谈。不过当我十二月初考虑买一辆[/FONT]Toyota Sienna[FONT=宋体]时,[/FONT] 2007[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]9[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]1[FONT=宋体]日以后美国[/FONT]Toyota[FONT=宋体]生产的车因不符合加拿大[/FONT]2007[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]10[FONT=宋体]月后修改的新规则,已经不让进口。后来得知有人成立了一个叫[/FONT]carswithoutboards[FONT=宋体]的网站,组织一,二千因规则更改,从美国买了车回来后不能在加拿大上牌照的加拿大民众向政府施压并已迫使交通部再修改规则。到十二月中旬新规则通过,[/FONT]RIV[FONT=宋体]在[/FONT] 12[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]21[FONT=宋体]日正式更新了[/FONT]list[FONT=宋体],[/FONT][FONT=宋体]所有[/FONT]Toyota 2008[FONT=宋体]年的车型和多数其他公司的车都允许进口了。这件事让我见识了加拿大民主的威力。该[/FONT][FONT=宋体]网站还在继续要求加拿大车厂降价的活动,有兴趣可去支持一下.
参见[/FONT]Cars without borders - Autos sans frontières[FONT=宋体]。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]该网站还有许多有用的美国买车链接。[/FONT]

1[FONT=宋体].[/FONT]How to Buy Your Next Vehicle from the US - and Save Thousands! - RedFlagDeals.com Forums ([FONT=宋体]英文[/FONT])[FONT=宋体]提供了非常详细的美国买车指南和各种不同[/FONT]cases[FONT=宋体]处理。[/FONT]Border Crossing Information | UCanImport.com [FONT=宋体]提供了美加海关信息。[/FONT]
2[FONT=宋体].要了解车的美加价格范围,可去[/FONT] A Tale of Two Prices [FONT=宋体]。该网站提供各种车型美加[/FONT]MRSP[FONT=宋体]价格比较。[/FONT]
3[FONT=宋体].[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]确定要买的[/FONT][FONT=宋体]具体[/FONT][FONT=宋体]车型([/FONT]make, model, package, option[FONT=宋体])后,从[/FONT]http://www.edmunds.com/ [FONT=宋体]了解要买的车的最终成交价格(对应地区,[/FONT]dealer, rebate[FONT=宋体]等等)就可以开始找[/FONT]dealer[FONT=宋体]谈了。[/FONT]
4[FONT=宋体].关于[/FONT][FONT=宋体]找愿意卖车给加拿大人的[/FONT]dealer[FONT=宋体],[/FONT][FONT=宋体]只要方法得当,还是不难找到的。我联系了近十个[/FONT]dealer[FONT=宋体],半数[/FONT][FONT=宋体]愿意卖[/FONT] ([FONT=宋体]也有要美国地址的[/FONT]), [FONT=宋体]最后综合价格和地点考虑,选择了[/FONT]cgi[FONT=宋体]推荐的[/FONT]dealer. [FONT=宋体]随着美国经济的不景气,我认为会有越来越多的美国[/FONT]dealer[FONT=宋体]愿意卖车给加拿大人。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]美国[/FONT]dealer[FONT=宋体]卖车给加拿大人估计至少赚双倍的利,何乐而不为。这儿就有[/FONT]Toyota dealer[FONT=宋体]堂而皇之在网上打广告的[/FONT]http://www.toyotaofseattle.com/default.aspx?html=canadian.html&s=new
[FONT=宋体]此外美国还有专[/FONT][FONT=宋体]给加拿大人买车的[/FONT]broker, [FONT=宋体]如果你愿意付比[/FONT]美国MRSP[FONT=宋体]略高的价钱,[/FONT]broker[FONT=宋体]代办一切手续并将车运至美加边境。[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]找[/FONT]dealer[FONT=宋体]可以先上车厂网站。我是从美国[/FONT]Toyota[FONT=宋体]网站上,[/FONT]Toyota.com : Dealer Locator, [FONT=宋体]输入城市名,再链接到[/FONT]dealer[FONT=宋体]网站[/FONT]. [FONT=宋体]从[/FONT]dealer[FONT=宋体]网站找你看中的车,有的[/FONT]dealer[FONT=宋体]提供[/FONT]invoice[FONT=宋体]价格,有的只有[/FONT]MRSP[FONT=宋体]价格。找好dealer和所要的车后就可以开始发[/FONT]email[FONT=宋体]或打电话联系了。我都是先发[/FONT]email, dealer[FONT=宋体]收到后一般会很快打电话过来。[/FONT]
5[FONT=宋体].我回来在[/FONT]buffalo[FONT=宋体]的[/FONT]Queenston-Lewiston bridge[FONT=宋体]美国海关办理汽车出口手续。提前三天请[/FONT]dealer[FONT=宋体]将[/FONT]MSO [FONT=宋体]和[/FONT]Purchase order[FONT=宋体]传真给美国海关[/FONT] (716-2853565, [FONT=宋体]上面网站上的号码是错的[/FONT]). [FONT=宋体]为保险起见我自己也给海关发了一份传真[/FONT]. [FONT=宋体]如想给美国海关打电话确认只有留言[/FONT]. [FONT=宋体]我是[/FONT]fax[FONT=宋体]之后让[/FONT]dealer[FONT=宋体]打一次电话给海关[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]我自己打一次[/FONT]([FONT=宋体]都是留言[/FONT]).[FONT=宋体]后两天又打了几次[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]第三天终于海关回电话确认可以出口[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]然后坐灰狗去美国提车[/FONT].[FONT=宋体]也有人未收到回电[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]三天后直接过关的[/FONT].
6. [FONT=宋体]汇率的影响还是挺大的[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]上下波动[/FONT]5%[FONT=宋体]就是一千几百刀[/FONT]. [FONT=宋体]如果你已决定去美国买车[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]最好开一个美元帐户[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]在加元汇率高时换好美元先存着[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]免得临去买时汇率又掉下来[/FONT].
2。在美国海关Ogdensburg,要提前3天寄到的文件是:原件MCO+2copies, 和复印件 Bill of Sales.
Prescott 没有收6.1%的进口税。原由不知。
4。总车价(加元) = 美元买价 x 汇率 x (1+ GST+ PST) + $100(air) + $205(riv) + 其他费用(牌照费,邮汇费,旅行费,食宿费,拖(停)车费,保险费,汽油费,车耗费,
我想问一下大家,我现在在calgary,打算从美国买infinity G35,大家知道离calgary最近的美国dealer在哪里么?我找了半天找不到?谢谢。。
hello123: 你买的Toyota Sienna是那个型号的, CE, LE, XLE? 我也想买Toyota Sienna。谢谢。

I picked it up yesterday; it’s now sitting in the US custom for the 72 hours waiting period.

I paid $26355.50 exactly for the Van. Once I bring it over on Monday, I will have to pay the GST and PST, Total, Equal to $30,600 Canadian.

For the same car in Canada I received a quote of $43900 include Tax, include the $1000 rebate. I'm thinking I maybe able to get $1500 off that price.

That means I saved almost $12,000 for 1 day of driving and 4 days of waiting.