精华 如何到美国买新车回加拿大?

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 CCT
  • 开始时间 开始时间
cgi: Congratulations for your successful perchase! Glad I could help. Thank you very much for posting and sharing your experience.
How much you saved? How many dealers you called before you found your dealer?

Thanks again, CCT.

I am just lucky. I found the dealer at the third call. I save more than $11,000 for sure.

The feeling is priceless. 在我的人生经历里,又加上一条 -- 汽车进出口贸易。:D
有人去美国买honda civic吗?两边价差超过6000呢。我想买lx那款。
有人去美国买honda civic吗?两边价差超过6000呢。我想买lx那款。

according to APA.ca :

No manufacture warranty coverage in Canada for Honda vehicle bought in USA.

according to us vehicle admissibility :

Honda civic built AFTER September 1st, 2007 are INADMISSIBLE.
上星期,俺去美国买了辆Toyota Sienna回来,俺的买车经历 ,有剽窃前人文章和经验的行为。

买车前, 先确定要买的车是否允许进口。 具体的情况可以查看How to import a U.S made vehicle into Canada


确定要买的车可以进口后,再确定要买的车的型号,package/option和价格范围(MSRP)。具体的情况可以查看 MSN Autos 注意,选package/option时,一定要选上Daytime Running Light. 这是加拿大的标准。有些车Daytime Running Light可以自己turn on,例如 Toyota Sienna,就是一个保险丝的问题,自己就可以干,几分钟的事,但是有的dealer要收费, Activate Sienna Daytime Running lights

找愿意卖车给加拿大人的dealer,多打电话,看你的运气,离美加边境越远,可能性越大。我找了个离渥太华6小时车程的 dealer。

和dealer谈价钱。美国当地买车,都是从invoice 价格往下砍,但是现在美国dealer知道敢卖车给加拿大人的dealer不多,而且也知道加拿大人省了很多钱,不肯降价, 所以都是从MSRP往下砍。 车厂一般都有rebate,例如 Toyota有1000刀的rebate。 确定后,让 dealer把这个车的specification 和 purchase agreement发过来,specification 包含 VIN, purchase agreement 包含价钱,就比较保险了。同时要他们确认车的odo mileage,一般 100 - 200 mile 可以接受,这以上,就不要了。当然很多车是 10 mile 以下。

注意,只有北美生产的车,进口加拿大时,才可以免关税。 车的VIN就能说明。 参考 Wikipedia - Vehicle identification number 特别是各个厂家的VIN的定义。Toyota的VIN的第一个数字是 1- 5 的车,是北美造的。

取车前告诉保险公司,把你的车加上。有的保险公司不是很清楚,特别是接电话的,好像智力很低,我曾经被要求所谓的travel permit,才能保险,后来才知道,就是美国那边的临时牌照,dealer会给你这个临时牌照。

关于付钱的方式,一般来说,是先用信用卡付$1000的deposit,取车的时候,再用bank draft付剩下的部分。但是有的dealer竟然要求取车前把钱全部打入他们的账号,我曾经碰到过这样的dealer,我觉得实在不放心。一旦把钱汇进 去,他如果给你一个粉色,高里程,whatever的车,你就不好办了。汇钱进去容易,让dealer退钱就难了,北美职业名声最差的行业就是car dealer,有人形容他们大部分是职业骗子。

关于换钱: 加圆 to 美元的 bank draft ,我是直接在银行换的,银行汇率不是很合算,但是时间比较短,10分钟的事。有朋友是到Accu-Rate 换,Accu-Rate 的汇率不错,但是需要从银行开bank draft 到 Accu-Rate , 然后再从Accu-Rate 开bank draft到银行,据说需要几天。

取车前,带上公民证/护照,2008年1月1日以前,公民证就可以过境美国。同时带上dealer给的车的specification 和 purchase agreement, 美国边境的官员要看。


The title(MCO - Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin, Manufacturer's Statement of Origin -- MSO )
Bill of Sales
Purchase Agreement from the dealership
Recall letter (RIV 对 Recall clearance letter 有规定 recall clearance . Sienna's Recall clearance letter can be obtained from TOYOTA manufacture at 1-800-331-4331 for TOYOTA vehicle)

一定要检查汽车门上侧面的生产年月产地,同时要核对文件上的VIN是否和车上的VIN一致,我的dealer就搞错了,文件上的VIN不是车上的VIN, 幸亏我查了一下,于是重新做所有的文件,耽误1小时。


我先到美国海关,Ogdensburg, St Lawrence, New York ,对面是加拿大Prescott, Ontario. 就是 HW-416 到头,把相关文件原件交了, 美国海关接受文件是7天/24小时。 因为现在美国出口车,在递交文件后, 要等72小时,车才可以离开美国, 我就在Ogdensburg找了个地方停车,50美元72小时: Larry (315) 393-4750 ( Rent a wreck )。 老婆开车把我给接回来了,从Ottawa到那里,也就1小时,顺便可以shopping 一下,那里有个Walmart。

如果你能让你的dealer提前72小时把 MSO 原件和 Bill of Sales 原件寄到Ogdensburg, St Lawrence, New York,并且打电话给 Ogdensburg, St Lawrence, New York 确定已经受到,你再去提车,当天就可以离开美国。

三天后取车,在美国海关,把三天前交的文件原件要回来。过加拿大海关时告诉他们你要进口你开的车,然后进屋子申报。 加拿大海关受理申报是7天/24小时。 申报时他们会要你填进口车的form 1,交gst和exercise fee。你不需要ontario的 临时牌照。这些手续就包括了在加拿大临时开车的资格。注意当加拿大海关官员问你要不要交riv fee时要说不交,你要上网去交。否则你就要等两个星期才能上牌照。

回来后,先上网到 RIV 把钱交了,将 Form 1 的扫描件发到 info@riv.ca, Recall Clearance Letter 的扫描件发到 recall@riv.ca,为了保险,同时fax Form 1 和 Recall Clearance Letter,fax号记不得了,打电话问 RIV.

把 Form 1 和 Recall Clearance Letter 发给 RIV 两天后,打电话问RIV, 如果RIV 通过了,会发个E-MAIL “FEDERAL INSPECTION FORM” (FORM2) 给你,打印这个FORM 2.

打印出FORM2并带上FORM1 (原件:WHITE & YELLOW COPIES)和CLEARANCE RECALL LETTER(原件)到CANADIAN TIRE做检查. 新车检查不用交任何钱。不用Emission test, 不用Safety check。只检查是否符合加拿大安全规范,如Daytime Running Light,法语标签等。检查完毕,canadiantire在一些form上盖章。Canadian tire还会把一些文件用传真发到riv办公室,不过这和我们没关系。

拿着所有文件去交通部的任何一个office去上牌照,交PST。注意,用Certificate of Origin证明你的车是新车,而新车不用Emission test, 不用Safety check,但是我曾经去过Westgate Shopping Mall里的office,他们竟然不知道用Certificate of Origin证明车是新车,坚持需要一个New Vehicle Information Statement 证明车是新车, 而且坚持新车也需要Safety check,我于是给Transportation Canada打电话,他们告诉我,美国那边叫Certificate of Origin,加拿大这边叫New Vehicle Information Statement, 我换了个ofiice, 顺利办完。办完之后,顺便给Transportation Canada又打了个电话, 投诉Westgate Shopping Mall里的office: They need some proper training.

现在, 俺的车就混同于加拿大本地购买的车了。


看来只能在加拿大买新款honda civic了。
This is a really good post! Thank you CGI.

上星期,俺去美国买了辆Toyota Sienna回来,俺的买车经历 ,有剽窃前人文章和经验的行为。

买车前, 先确定要买的车是否允许进口。 最近RIV改了规则,很多车不符合新规则,已经不让进口。但是该规则只适用于9月1日以后生产的车。具体的情况可以查看How to import a U.S made vehicle into Canada 例如,我买的Toyota Sienna, 9月1日以后生产的现在已经不让进口,但是9月1日以前生产的Toyota Sienna,不受限制, 我于是买了个9月1日以前生产的Toyota Sienna。


确定要买的车可以进口后,再确定要买的车的型号,package/option和价格范围(MSRP)。具体的情况可以查看 MSN Autos 注意,选package/option时,一定要选上Daytime Running Light. 这是加拿大的标准。有些车Daytime Running Light可以自己turn on,例如 Toyota Sienna,就是一个保险丝的问题,自己就可以干,几分钟的事,但是有的dealer要收费, Activate Sienna Daytime Running lights

找愿意卖车给加拿大人的dealer,多打电话,看你的运气,离美加边境越远,可能性越大。而且需要dealer能找到加拿大允许进口的车,例如,9月1日以前生产的Toyota Sienna, 我找了个离渥太华6小时车程的 dealer。

和dealer谈价钱。美国当地买车,都是从invoice 价格往下砍,但是现在美国dealer知道敢卖车给加拿大人的dealer不多,而且也知道加拿大人省了很多钱,不肯降价, 所以都是从MSRP往下砍。 车厂一般都有rebate,例如 Toyota有1000刀的rebate。 确定后,让 dealer把这个车的specification 和 purchase agreement发过来,specification 包含 VIN, purchase agreement 包含价钱,就比较保险了。同时要他们确认车的odo mileage,一般 100 - 200 mile 可以接受,这以上,就不要了。当然很多车是 10 mile 以下。

注意,只有北美生产的车,进口加拿大时,才可以免关税。 车的VIN就能说明。 参考 Wikipedia - Vehicle identification number 特别是各个厂家的VIN的定义。Toyota的VIN的第一个数字是 1- 5 的车,是北美造的。

取车前告诉保险公司,把你的车加上。有的保险公司不是很清楚,特别是接电话的,好像智力很低,我曾经被要求所谓的travel permit,才能保险,后来才知道,就是美国那边的临时牌照,dealer会给你这个临时牌照。

关于付钱的方式,一般来说,是先用信用卡付$1000的deposit,取车的时候,再用bank draft付剩下的部分。但是有的dealer竟然要求取车前把钱全部打入他们的账号,我曾经碰到过这样的dealer,我觉得实在不放心。一旦把钱汇进 去,他如果给你一个粉色,高里程,whatever的车,你就不好办了。汇钱进去容易,让dealer退钱就难了,北美职业名声最差的行业就是car dealer,有人形容他们大部分是职业骗子。

关于换钱: 加圆 to 美元的 bank draft ,我是直接在银行换的,银行汇率不是很合算,但是时间比较短,10分钟的事。有朋友是到Accu-Rate 换,Accu-Rate 的汇率不错,但是需要从银行开bank draft 到 Accu-Rate , 然后再从Accu-Rate 开bank draft到银行,据说需要几天。

取车前,带上公民证/护照,2008年1月1日以前,公民证就可以过境美国。同时带上dealer给的车的specification 和 purchase agreement, 美国边境的官员要看。


The title(MCO - Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin, Manufacturer's Statement of Origin -- MSO )
Bill of Sales
Purchase Agreement from the dealership
Recall letter (can be obtained from TOYOTA manufacture at 1-800-331-4331 for TOYOTA vehicle)

一定要检查汽车门上侧面的生产年月产地,同时要核对文件上的VIN是否和车上的VIN一致,我的dealer就搞错了,文件上的VIN不是车上的VIN, 幸亏我查了一下,于是重新做所有的文件,耽误1小时。


我先到美国海关,Ogdensburg, St Lawrence, New York ,对面是加拿大Prescott, Ontario. 就是 HW-416 到头,把相关文件原件交了, 美国海关接受文件是7天/24小时。 因为现在美国出口车,在递交文件后, 要等72小时,车才可以离开美国, 我就在Ogdensburg找了个地方停车,50美元72小时: Larry (315) 393-4750 ( Rent a wreck )。 老婆开车把我给接回来了,从Ottawa到那里,也就1小时,顺便可以shopping 一下,那里有个Walmart。

如果你能让你的dealer提前72小时把 MSO 原件和 Bill of Sales 原件寄到Ogdensburg, St Lawrence, New York,并且打电话给 Ogdensburg, St Lawrence, New York 确定已经受到,你再去提车,当天就可以离开美国。

三天后取车,在美国海关,把三天前交的文件原件要回来。过加拿大海关时告诉他们你要进口你开的车,然后进屋子申报。 加拿大海关受理申报是7天/24小时。 申报时他们会要你填进口车的form 1,交gst和exercise fee。你不需要ontario的 临时牌照。这些手续就包括了在加拿大临时开车的资格。注意当加拿大海关官员问你要不要交riv fee时要说不交,你要上网去交。否则你就要等两个星期才能上牌照。

回来后,先上网到 RIV 把钱交了,将 Form 1 的扫描件发到 info@riv.ca, Recall Clearance Letter 的扫描件发到 recall@riv.ca,为了保险,同时fax Form 1 和 Recall Clearance Letter,fax号记不得了,打电话问 RIV.

把 Form 1 和 Recall Clearance Letter 发给 RIV 两天后,打电话问RIV, 如果RIV 通过了,会发个E-MAIL “FEDERAL INSPECTION FORM” (FORM2) 给你,打印这个FORM 2.

打印出FORM2并带上FORM1 (原件:WHITE & YELLOW COPIES)和CLEARANCE RECALL LETTER(原件)到CANADIAN TIRE做检查. 新车检查不用交任何钱。不用Emission test, 不用Safety check。只检查是否符合加拿大安全规范,如Daytime Running Light,法语标签等。检查完毕,canadiantire在一些form上盖章。Canadian tire还会把一些文件用传真发到riv办公室,不过这和我们没关系。

拿着所有文件去交通部的任何一个office去上牌照,交PST。注意,用Certificate of Origin证明你的车是新车,而新车不用Emission test, 不用Safety check,但是我曾经去过Westgate Shopping Mall里的office,他们竟然不知道用Certificate of Origin证明车是新车,坚持需要一个New Vehicle Information Statement 证明车是新车, 而且坚持新车也需要Safety check,我于是给Transportation Canada打电话,他们告诉我,美国那边叫Certificate of Origin,加拿大这边叫New Vehicle Information Statement, 我换了个ofiice, 顺利办完。办完之后,顺便给Transportation Canada又打了个电话, 投诉Westgate Shopping Mall里的office: They need some proper training.

现在, 俺的车就混同于加拿大本地购买的车了。

这个周一, 我的SIENNA 终于挂上了安省的LICENCE PLATE.

回想一个月来的辛苦历程, 除劳心劳力是大家公认的外,我又历经了11个小时的GREY HOUND 和滞留美国3天之苦. 但算下来, 扣除一切与之相关的费用, 和在CANADA DEALER 得到的BARGAIN后价格相比还要节省$11300. 你们说值得还是不值得?!

有两个环节上, 我耽误了很多时间, 也费了精力和金钱, 希望以此为鉴.

一是, 72 小时提前报美国关。从各种渠道来的消息, 包括给BORDER 打电话,都说新车不用72 小时提前报关,可是,轮到我时,规定改了!有人建议我把车开回CANADA ,三天后再回该关卡。我觉得不妥,好象有违美国的法律。不能一棋走错,全盘皆输。



Good luck everybody who wants to buy car from US.


所以我提供服务, 跟我走一趟,您在车上睡觉,24小时就能回家, :D
Go cgi Go !

如果看了我买 Toyota Sienna 的买车经验,还不放心,但一定想买,请注意:

我提供美国买Toyota Sienna全程服务,包括找dealer,谈价钱,并陪同提车(坐灰狗去),回程陪同驾驶,存车,通关,申报,上牌等等。同时,本人负责一路聊天,保证一路不枯燥,这是俺的强项。当然,很多事情还要你自己做,例如,交定金时,你自己告诉dealer你的信用卡信息,通关上牌时,你自己填表和签字。

some more helpful information

The phone number for US custom is 716-282-1400, I have called them. Apparently if you fax over the title 72 hours ahead and show them the original title at the time when you bring the car over, you don't have to leave the car there for 72 hours.

Their Fax number is 716-285-3565.

Some of the dealer ships are willing to fax you a copy of the title with your name on it with a deposit (I deposited $1,000 by credit card).

I haven't confirmed this yet, since I am bring the car over this Friday.

The website says you need to present the original Title 72 hours ahead, I'm not certain if a faxed copy will do, but that's the information given when you call them.
The phone number for US custom is 716-282-1400, I have called them. Apparently if you fax over the title 72 hours ahead and show them the original title at the time when you bring the car over, you don't have to leave the car there for 72 hours.

Their Fax number is 716-285-3565.

Some of the dealer ships are willing to fax you a copy of the title with your name on it with a deposit (I deposited $1,000 by credit card).

I haven't confirmed this yet, since I am bring the car over this Friday.

Which US port?
Which US port?

I have called Port Of Entry-Highgate Springs which is the port south of Montreal, they said a original title is required.
Port Of Entry - Highgate Springs

But if you call the port at
Ogdensburg, St Lawrence, New York 716-282-1400

The impression I got from the answer machines seems that it's ok to start the 72 hour process with just a faxed copy.

I'm not sure which one to believe, maybe different port has different policies.
I have called Port Of Entry-Highgate Springs which is the port south of Montreal, they said a original title is required.
Port Of Entry - Highgate Springs

But if you call the port at
Ogdensburg, St Lawrence, New York 716-282-1400

The impression I got from the answer machines seems that it's ok to start the 72 hour process with just a faxed copy.

I'm not sure which one to believe, maybe different port has different policies.

Yes, Different port has different policy. The port at Queenston-Lewiston bridge near Buffalo accepts faxed documents. But, the port at Alexandria Bay doesn't.
Canadians buy U.S. cars at record rate
Number almost tripled from November 2006

Tony Van Alphen

Business Reporter

Dec 06, 2007

The rush of Canadians importing cheaper new and used autos from the United States has turned into a stampede.

Canadians' purchases of autos in the U.S. almost tripled to a record 30,002 cars and trucks in November from the same period last year, statistics from Canada's Registrar of Imported Vehicles program showed yesterday.

Analysts say the strong Canadian dollar and thousands of dollars in more savings at dealers south of the border spurred the huge increase in sales.

"It's certainly escalating," said Carlos Gomes, senior economist and auto industry specialist at Scotiabank Group.

"It tells you that people were continuing to go to the U.S. for good deals rather than buy in Canada," Gomes added.

However Gomes said he expects the volume to ease off this month because of the quick decline of the dollar to just below parity with the U.S. greenback in recent days.

Statistics from the registrar, a program Ottawa set up in 1995, indicated the number of imports in November smashed the previous record of 24,873 in October.

The numbers show increasing levels almost every month this year as the dollar rose and consumers became more aware of significant savings on transaction prices south of the border despite red tape and other restrictions.

Until the late spring of last year, the Registrar of Imported Vehicles program had never recorded a month with more than 10,000 auto imports from the U.S.

The statistics also show used autos account for a majority of the imports but the percentage of new vehicles has climbed to 22 per cent of the total from 11 per cent during the last two years.

Analysts say the increase in imports was a factor in a 5 per cent decline in new auto sales by Canadian dealers during November.

The increasing number of imports this fall and soaring dollar prompted Canadian automakers to introduce the biggest package of incentives in their history last month.

Chrysler has already indicated it will sweeten its package of incentives even more to keep consumers buying in Canada.

Other automakers will likely follow with more incentives, analysts say.

Automakers in Canada have been reluctant to cut their suggested retail prices because of the potential negative impact on the prices of used vehicles and on residual values at the end of leases.

The registrar program, which is now operated by Livingston International Inc., a private customs broker, is now receiving more than 7,000 calls a day on how to properly import vehicles into Canada.
Just brought my Sennia 2008

I picked it up yesterday; it’s now sitting in the US custom for the 72 hours waiting period.

I paid $26355.50 exactly for the Van. Once I bring it over on Monday, I will have to pay the GST and PST, Total, Equal to $30,600 Canadian.

For the same car in Canada I received a quote of $43900 include Tax, include the $1000 rebate. I'm thinking I maybe able to get $1500 off that price.

That means I saved almost $12,000 for 1 day of driving and 4 days of waiting.
I picked it up yesterday; it’s now sitting in the US custom for the 72 hours waiting period.

I paid $26355.50 exactly for the Van. Once I bring it over on Monday, I will have to pay the GST and PST, Total, Equal to $30,600 Canadian.

For the same car in Canada I received a quote of $43900 include Tax, include the $1000 rebate. I'm thinking I maybe able to get $1500 off that price.

That means I saved almost $12,000 for 1 day of driving and 4 days of waiting.

My god, you made it finally.
