精华 苦辣酸甜难书尽,成败得失笑谈中


WALL STREET 不变的定理是,要是你HOLD的股票被街上著名的PUMP看上, 短期就要小心了. 街上的话有时一定得反着听.:D:D
今天太贪心了,追涨C, 4.02入货,在4.18有机会出。但是贪心了,结果被套住了。真不爽。不知何年才能解套啊。
Reshuffled my holdings significantly today

Significantly added ORGAH and initiated ORGAJ --- I was the only buyer in these two strikes today. To fund these operations, I took out my ax and cut off VBZAC and TSPT, I also sold some VBAAF. There are concrete reasons for doing so but visitors from Toronto have just arrived, and I will document these reasons some time next week.

At today's today, I hold BAC LEAP calls, two strikes (30 and 40); DNDN LEAP calls, two strikes (40 and 50); MGMAC; and DVAX.

My wired fund yesterday will show up in my balance Monday and I will surely buy some more among these 3 --- not MGMAC, I am more than fully loaded and looking to offload some.

Have a great weekend, everyone!
今天太贪心了,追涨C, 4.02入货,在4.18有机会出。但是贪心了,结果被套住了。真不爽。不知何年才能解套啊。

今天我也是在C 上载了,早上两波还行,后来几次进做反弹都CUT.把今天早上的利润吐出了一大半. 奔一张我今天在C上的交易VOLUME. 我今天在C 上就交易了22万股没挣到什么钱, TLLD ,郁闷极了.


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今天我也是在C 上载了,早上两波还行,后来几次进做反弹都CUT.把今天早上的利润吐出了一大半. 奔一张我今天在C上的交易VOLUME. 我今天在C 上就交易了22万股没挣到什么钱, TLLD ,郁闷极了.

我打算留着C长线投资算了。这个公司的管理层还是不错的。而且它们的股票目前还是被低估的。以后看准点再加仓(也许会被Pull Back到3.5左右)。

整个NYSE金融板块短期内多数会下调,也许可以考虑卖点FAZ这种short ETF.不过我还是受不了这种心跳,关键抓不住机会。我还是新人。
don't worry. C still at the bottem price comparing bac. I will hold it for a long time.
今天看到after hour 2房的股价。继AIG之后第二个奇迹。
Why I did what I did last Friday

Visitors went to the Parliament Hill, I am waiting to see an emergency dentist. There are about 20 minutes left. Let me document the reasons behind my reshuffling my decks last Friday.

Buy --- DNDN: if the ROW partnership news hit and depending on the content of the agreement (upfront payment, milestone payment and royalty; and possble co-development of Nuevenge), I would not be surprised if my 40 LEAP calls are ITM in a few days. If there will be no news, the pps will be tight-range bound in the next few months. I would rather park here waiting than potentially missing this news. May add some more 50 LEAP calls or initial 60 LEAP calls tomorrow. Once being ITM, the majority of 40 calls will be rolled over into the 50 and 60 strikes.

Sell --- BAC 30 LEAP calls: as the pps steadily moved up over the last couple of weeks, I have been thinking about rolling some 30 LEAP calls into the 40 strike. Already got some 40 LEAP calls and will add significantly. At this stage of the game, a few pennies in price won't make much of a difference. What matters a lot more is the number of shares under control. Plan to roll a few hundred 30 LEAP calls into the 40 strike to increase the number of shares I am effectively in control. Very confident my 30 LEAP calls will be in the money in the foreseeable future. Once that is reached, the 40 strike has more room to grow than ITM calls in %age terms.

Sell --- ELN 15 LEAP calls: I cleaned house at the bid. I don't want my financial fortune to be in the hand of a judge. Once the court decision is rendered, I will re-enter but at a lower strike. I am bullish on ELN's long-term prospects should it remain independent but there is a real possibility of a buyout offer coming to the table. If the offer falls below 15, all my LEAP calls will be worthless --- this is the main driver for my house-cleaning last Friday. I may have to pay a much higher price for a re-entry. But confirmation is more important than the size of potential profits.

Sell --- TSPT: nothing more than the cash need. The FDA decision won't be made until the end of October. There will be plenty of time for me to get back in. The surprise news on marketing partnership was already out. I don't expect much more surprise to come down until judgement day.
Reshuffled my decks significantly again today

Added 900 VBAAH to make a round 1K, a little ORGAJ and some DVAX. To fund these operations, I sold 300 BVAAF and 200 MGMAC. These were all carried out strictly according to plan.

I don't have enough DNDN options and DVAX yet but I am ready for a DNDN good run. My DNDN options may be dead money for months to come but I am willing to wait patiently.

I have GTC buy orders in to buy 2K for each 5-cent drop. Come hell or high water. I was all alone buying MGMAC at .25 and .2 for many days. Today,I smile; tomorrow, I may laugh!

I started selling MGMAC from .30. That was not because I lost my faith in MGM. Rather, I was concerned with the liquidity. With today's 200 sale, I am comfortable to hold what is left in my account.

Good luck to everyone!
Anyone interested in FRE and FNM? I feel there is some room before it pulls back.
Anyone interested in FRE and FNM? I feel there is some room before it pulls back.

No, thanks! I have BAC which has Countrywide, the biggest mortgage servicer. I don't like a big government hand in private business. Can't wait for BAC to pay back TARP.

When the DOW was at the high of over 14K back in August 2007, BAC+Merrill+Countrywide = 168, not to mention BAC's 49% in Blackrock and 10% in CCB. Yes, there have been some dilutions but all I ask for is BAC going back up to 40-60 some time next year. It will be there and all it takes is some patience, of which I have a ton!