No, thanks! I have BAC which has Countrywide, the biggest mortgage servicer. I don't like a big government hand in private business. Can't wait for BAC to pay back TARP.
When the DOW was at the high of over 14K back in August 2007, BAC+Merrill+Countrywide = 168, not to mention BAC's 49% in Blackrock and 10% in CCB. Yes, there have been some dilutions but all I ask for is BAC going back up to 40-60 some time next year. It will be there and all it takes is some patience, of which I have a ton!
Thanks , I will go .....![]()
嗯,似乎 BAC AND MGM, 有大资金在底部吸货, 一旦形势好转可能有戏。
no problem. BAC is on the way back to $5 imo.