
I think it is not appropriate to disclose the personal info to public before getting their approval. I try my best to PM you guys.
is your 2.45% 5 year varaible open or close?
is your 2.45% 5 year varaible open or close?

Closed, but RBC says:
- You're allowed to pay extra as much as you want
- You can switch to a FIXED rate as long as the new fixed # of years is > than what's remaining
Could RBC hold the five year fixed rate till next September?
Could RBC hold the five year fixed rate till next September?
Yes, but it's gonna be a little bit more than regular rate
I know one bmo broker gives 5yrs fixed rate 4.64, hold for 12 months
TD 3 years fixed rate @ 3.35%

one year approved until Sept. 2010
这个offer只是针对一些特定的builder,具体哪些builder我不知道 (不确定是不是只是新房子)

3.45% 3年的fix + 1% cash back of mortgage amount
3.1% 3年 fix (没有cash back的)

我的hold 12个月,不过TD一般都可以hold 18个月