Where is tmrw? Could you send the message to me with the email zhao_hl@hotmail.com? Thanks.
Where is tmrw? Could you send the message to me with the email zhao_hl@hotmail.com? Thanks.
Where did you get that 3 year fixed 3.1%.
Could you please email me at: janeyinca@gmail.com
and tell me the phone number and the contact person.
Thanks a lot.
Where did you get that 3 year fixed 3.1%.
Could you please email me at: janeyinca@gmail.com
and tell me the phone number and the contact person.
Thanks a lot.
这个offer只是针对一些特定的builder,具体哪些builder我不知道 (不确定是不是只是新房子)
3.45% 3年的fix + 1% cash back of mortgage amount
3.1% 3年 fix (没有cash back的)
我的hold 12个月,不过TD一般都可以hold 18个月