团购:Phoenix Kanata Lake Heritage Hills 的新房

open house in June:

This is the response from senior engineer in charge of this project:

"We are about to start work from Innovation west in December. The work will continue untill next winter."

BTW, I assume you meant "protest" instead of "protect".

Yes, I mean protest.

BTW, I found that the road won't extend until there are house community initiated around. So it will stop at Richardson road in 2-3 years.
Yes, I mean protest.

BTW, I found that the road won't extend until there are house community initiated around. So it will stop at Richardson road in 2-3 years.

read today's Ottawa Citizen - front page.

Seems like city would use federal's stimulas money to build this road, so it has to be finished by March 2011. Environmentalists got some buzz on turtles...
I saw that too, turtles. :D
It's so complicated to get a project like this done easily here.
I saw that too, turtles. :D
It's so complicated to get a project like this done easily here.

你没看那上还写了吗- 鸟赋蛋,施工得停;鱼产卵,也得停。。。其实有没有这条路,kanata lakes的人家无所谓;但对morgants grant。brookside的家庭来说就重要了(房价起码提2w):D


其实还有一个工程我没提,就是terry fox的kanata sports complex,位于terry fox和innovation drive. 据说是一个不小的facility, cover kanata的多数地区。对咱家房子升值也有影响,我也作了调查,还远的很,至少2012年。这里开个工程真是麻烦阿,中国卫星都上月球几次了。

其实还有一个工程我没提,就是terry fox的kanata sports complex,位于terry fox和innovation drive. 据说是一个不小的facility, cover kanata的多数地区。对咱家房子升值也有影响,我也作了调查,还远的很,至少2012年。这里开个工程真是麻烦阿,中国卫星都上月球几次了。

有了这个complex对morgan's grant和brookside的房子是好是坏呀?
haha. TNT 是不敢奢望。
不过March 下highway 后的那片荒草地却是不错的地址,肯定不贵。去哪里都方便。

其实还有一个工程我没提,就是terry fox的kanata sports complex,位于terry fox和innovation drive. 据说是一个不小的facility, cover kanata的多数地区。对咱家房子升值也有影响,我也作了调查,还远的很,至少2012年。这里开个工程真是麻烦阿,中国卫星都上月球几次了。
Looking forward to this complex be finished. It looks like that it will include a standard swimming pool.
Looking forward to this complex be finished. It looks like that it will include a standard swimming pool.

the complex will be run by YMCA, so a decent after-school will be in place - that's what I am looking for:D
刚搬morgan's grant没多久,但是总觉得这个community 缺点什么,和Lakes的差距不是一点。
问我老板觉得morgan's grant怎么样,回答很简单,感觉象工业区。
