The highest level of Roman education began at about the age of sixteen and focused on rhetoric. As in Greek education, the goal was to learn to speak and write effectively as needed in public life and the law courts. If anything, the emphasis on oratory in Roman schools was stronger than in Greek schools because other parts of the Greek curriculum, such as music and athletics, were eliminated, and the Romans had little interest in science and philosophy. Roman schools used rhetoric manuals that systematized Greek rhetorical instruction.
Read more: Education in Europe - Roman Education - Greek, Rhetoric, Schools, and Greco - JRank Articles
哈,好问题!简单回答1)如果我是亚伯拉罕 我自然作亚伯拉罕所作的;2)如果现在我耳边有个声音要我杀人,我会毫不犹豫地斥责:撒旦,退一边去。
In the story of the Ten Commandments, we see how important the concept of obedience is to God. Deuteronomy 11:26–28 sums it up like this: "Obey and you will be blessed. Disobey and you will be cursed."
So, biblical obedience means, simply, to hear, trust, submit and surrender to God and obey his Word.
这个是你的natural law在起作用。在你听到耳边的声音的时候,你怎么知道这个违反natural law的命令不是来自上帝?如果现在我耳边有个声音要我杀人,我会毫不犹豫地斥责:撒旦,退一边去
很多非基督徒都回觉得亚伯拉罕所作所为不可思议。因为非基督徒的道德标准建立在natural law的基础上。杀害一个无辜的人,这个是犯罪。杀害自己的孩子,感情上过不去。
但是基督徒不同,基督徒除了遵循natural law以外,还要遵循Ten Commandments(基督教的devine law),其中很重要的一条就是要服从上帝:
而上帝对人的指令,来自耳边的声音。对听到的声音,基督徒要做的就是信任,执行。这是濒临与natural law之上的law,是要摒弃个人的判断的无条件的执行。
亚伯拉罕之所以被称道,就是因为他抛弃了natural law无条件的执行了Ten Commandments(devine law)。
这个是你的natural law在起作用。在你听到耳边的声音的时候,你怎么知道这个违反natural law的命令不是来自上帝?
1、在几十年间,狄奥多西一世和他的继任者对异教徒的态度有反复,既有全面禁止任何除了‘正统基督教’以外的宗教活动 ,到任命异教徒为地方总督,重修犹太教会堂
2.1 摧毁异教徒寺庙和异教徒偶像,或者充公、改造成教堂
2.2 对异教徒的宗教活动的处罚可能是没收财产,包括房子,以及罚款
2.3 对离开的基督教徒的处罚是取消定遗嘱的权力,不清楚是不是这意味着死后他的财产会被没收
2.4 有两处提到对占卜和“carrying out pagan sacrificial rituals”处以死刑,但没有查到在这这几十年prosecution期间异教徒死亡的任何统计信息或者任何个例的详细描述 -当然没有记载不等于没有发生,但是既然没有具体材料,就不能轻易下结论
390年,希腊城市帖撒罗尼迦的总督,或者是罗马皇帝派驻的最高军事长官 Butheric,逮捕了一名很受欢迎的战车御者(一名当时的体育明星),这个同性恋者试图强奸一名cupbearer(百度讲他是一名奴隶,实际上cupbearer是在当时宗教仪式上有相当地位的人,可能不是奴隶),占当地大多数人口的人要求Butheric释放这个人,遭到拒绝后,当地发生了暴动,包括Butheric在内的多名高级军官被杀死
What could I do? Should I not hear? But I could not clog my ears with wax, as old fables tell. Should I then speak about what I heard? But I was obliged to avoid precisely what I feared could be brought about by your orders, that is, a bloodshed. Should I remain silent? But then the worst thing would happen as my conscience would be bound and my words taken away. And where would they be then? When a priest does not talk to a sinner, then the sinner will die in his sin, and the priest will be guilty because he failed to correct him
Causes for the Loss of Classical Culture
Why did this happen? Well, there were several factors.
Many of these branches died out naturally. The Roman Empire had been united by a common language. As Germanic peoples with new languages invaded the empire, this common language was lost and literacy plummeted. Very few people could read the works of the ancient world, and pretty much no one was writing anything new. The barbarians who invaded the Roman Empire had little use for poetry or philosophy. Their culture was far more primitive. With no one to appreciate or maintain these branches of culture, many of them died off simply from disuse.
Yet many of the branches were willfully destroyed as the early Church tried to wipe out its competition. Any idea that challenged the new order was destroyed. Religions that had persisted for centuries were wiped out overnight. Entire schools of philosophy were put to the torch.
Only Church-approved beliefs were allowed to survive, and these were tightly controlled to keep them in line with Christian orthodoxy. Anyone who tried to start a new branch or explore other, non-Christian ways of thought was labeled a heretic. Their ideas were banned, and their followers faced a grisly demise.
During the Roman Times, most noble kids were educated before the age of fourteen. The schools were small and numerous and often taught Greek and Latin to its students. With the Fall of Rome in 476, most educational institutions ceased to function. Teaching changed radically in a century and geared toward religion - the institution that would dominate education for the following millennium. In the Early Middle Ages the vast majority of the population was uneducated; this was later reflected in poor political decisions, much conflict and lack of any centralized power.
Charles Martel was the first ruler who sought to educate the population. At first, he appointed several priests to educate the sons of important men. Gradually he changed education from being purely related to God to including more practical knowledge such as mathematics and Latin. By this time education had increased considerably but very few could read and write and even fewer pursued a higher education.
Medieval education was often conducted under the auspices of the Church. During the 800s, French ruler Charlemagne realized his empire needed educated people if it was to survive, and he turned to the Catholic Church as the source of such education. His decree commanded that every cathedral and monastery was to establish a school to provide a free education to every boy who had the intelligence and the perseverance to follow a demanding course of study.
Grammar, rhetoric, logic, Latin, astronomy, philosophy and mathematics formed the core of most curriculums.
In 1330 only about 5% of the population could read or write. It was extremely rare for peasants to be literate. Some lords of the manor had laws banning serfs from being educated.
There were three main types of schools in the 14th century: the elementary song-school, the monastic school and the grammar school.
They also followed the Roman example of not spending much time on subjects such as mathematics and science.
During the Dark Ages, the only natural science learned came from popular encyclopedias based on ancient writings of Pliny and other Roman sources. The medieval student might learn that hyenas can change their sex at will and that an elephant's only fear is of dragons. Students learned more when they ventured out into the countryside to talk with trappers, hunters, furriers and poachers, who spent their time observing wildlife.
Christianity's Obsession with Plato
You see, when early Christians were establishing their own philosophical grounding, they borrowed heavily from Plato. The idea that the truth was something inaccessible to the senses had obvious religious applications.
Plato's distaste for the material world was well-suited to the Christian mindset, while the realm of forms must have sounded kind of like heaven. And so the church bound itself tightly to Platonic philosophy at an early age.
To give you some concept of how entwined Platonism had become with Christianity, let's have a look at the scholarship of medieval Christians. If you were to ask a medieval scholar, why is the rose red and why does it have thorns, the scholar would reply that the rose is red for the blood of Christ and the thorns are there to remind us of our Lord's crucifixion. Here we can kind of see how the Christians co-opted Plato's notion of perfect forms being reflected in the material world. They'd just replaced perfect forms with perfect Jesus.