this guy does make a point

怎么没有啊, 你看非洲那些国家,被搞惨了 。。。

之前住prince of wales那几栋apartment,每个月都有基督教分传单,挨个儿敲门说这说那的
Look at the many "pictures" you posted in the public forum!
What you did are really good examples of what you said.
I am sorry to say, I had been respecting you; but you made me disappointed.
You cover your eyes with a piece of leafe, and say, "There's no Tai Mountain."
I have nothing more to say to you.

What Jesus said is really true. (The words below are not to you, though. )

12:31 所以我告诉你们:人一切的罪和亵渎的话,都可得赦免;惟独亵渎圣灵,总不得赦免。
12:32 凡说话干犯人子的,还可得赦免;惟独说话干犯圣灵的,今世、来世总不得赦免。

12:33 你们或以为树好,果子也好;树坏,果子也坏。因为看果子就可以知道树。
12:34 毒蛇的种类!你们既是恶人,怎能说出好话来呢?因为心里所充满的,口里就说出来。
12:35 善人从他心里所存的善,就发出善来;恶人从他心里所存的恶,就发出恶来。

12:36 我又告诉你们:凡人所说的闲话,当审判的日子,必要句句供出来。
12:37 因为要凭你的话定你为义,也要凭你的话定你有罪。”

12:38 当时,有几个文士和法利赛人对耶稣说:“夫子,我们愿意你显个神迹给我们看。”
12:39 耶稣回答说:“一个邪恶、淫乱的世代求看神迹,除了先知约拿的神迹以外,再没有神迹给他们看。
12:40 约拿三日三夜在大鱼肚腹中,人子也要这样三日三夜在地里头。

Jesus loves you! God loves you!
You are just closing your heart and keeping youself separated from them. What a pity!
I sent this to you before; and I am sending it to you once more.
Open your heart and you will feel God!

I respect that you have the right to believe what you believe; I won't curse you to suffer or condemn you to burn forever in some place because you chose to believe something violent as Christianity. But I have no respect, absolutely none, to your belief itself, Christianity.

Your belief doesn't deserve any respect, not until it removes teachings involving active preaching passages. Your belief doesn't worth a thing in my heart as long as your barbaric bible condemns "infidels" in the most barbaric and violent way.

Thanks for bumping this thread up.
greatapple: Look at the many "pictures" you posted in the public forum!
What you did are really good examples of what you said.
I am sorry to say, I had been respecting you; but you made me disappointed.
You cover your eyes with a piece of leafe, and say, "There's no Tai Mountain."
I have nothing more to say to you.

What Jesus said is really true. (The words below are not to you, though. )

12:31 所以我告诉你们:人一切的罪和亵渎的话,都可得赦免;惟独亵渎圣灵,总不得赦免。
12:32 凡说话干犯人子的,还可得赦免;惟独说话干犯圣灵的,今世、来世总不得赦免。

12:33 你们或以为树好,果子也好;树坏,果子也坏。因为看果子就可以知道树。
12:35 善人从他心里所存的善,就发出善来;恶人从他心里所存的恶,就发出恶来。

12:36 我又告诉你们:凡人所说的闲话,当审判的日子,必要句句供出来。
12:37 因为要凭你的话定你为义,也要凭你的话定你有罪。”

12:38 当时,有几个文士和法利赛人对耶稣说:“夫子,我们愿意你显个神迹给我们看。”
12:39 耶稣回答说:“
12:40 约拿三日三夜在大鱼肚腹中,人子也要这样三日三夜在地里头。

Jesus loves you! God loves you!
You are just closing your heart and keeping youself separated from them. What a pity!
I sent this to you before; and I am sending it to you once more.
Open your heart and you will feel God!

How many times shall I say to you that it's no the "curse"; it's the judgement - the judgement for us humans' sin, no matter you take it or not.

My friend, I am telling you that you're falling down the cliff, but why wouldn't you hear me! That really saddens me.

Judgement by who? christian god? too bad, it does not exist, nor does Santa.

You attacked me personally again by saying I am falling down the cliff; that is a blatant insult.

Your reaction towards nonbelievers lies in the problem with all monotheism. The detrimental impact of religious faith on human mind is so powerful that the believers distorted mentality shows in every aspect of his/her life. You fit it to a T.
你觉得这个世界的恶人还不够恶吗??? 你觉得这个世界还不够邪恶、淫乱吗???主耶稣说的正是这些人。


可谁能改变自己的心呢? 有恶(罪)又不自知的人,更谈何改变呢?
Christianity in a nutshell:

Two-thousand years ago, God raped an engaged Palestinian woman so He could impregnate her with Himself so He could sacrifice Himself to Himself so He could forgive us because our ancestors ate an apple He gave them because they were tricked by a snake He created.

WTF deep inhale
Jesus loves you; God loves you, even though you don't know it; you don't know it because you've closed your heart.

When you say " god loves you", it doesn't really carry any meaning to an atheist. God doesn't exist. Emotions simply don't apply to something doesn't apply. "Jesus loves you " is even more a sort of joke to humanity.

When you choose to believe in a god including your Christian god, this is when you really shut off your heart, and this is exactly why you could blatantly be so disrespectful to nonbelievers or other faith followers and while the same time feel no shame, ah, the inherent problem with monotheism.
当下耶稣说:“父啊!赦免他们,因为他们所作的,他们不晓得。” (路23:34)