this guy does make a point


感谢 神,让我们知道生命的道!感谢 神,更将这生命的道,通过主耶稣基督,赐给我们!

求 神帮助更多的人,接受这生命的道,因为人生绝不仅在此生啊。


Christianity is not the only one who has the similar idea. This is the sort of mentality that works for all monotheism. The nature of exclusiveness of Christianity, Muslim, Judaism, Bahai Faith, all share the same notion. It is a form of disrespect in its most hidden way for all religions that worship god.
This is why religions are capable of killing each other, prosecuting each other even within their own groups once they fail to convert you to their faith and regard you as sick throughout recorded history.

This is why I believe that the aggressiveness and hypocrisy of Christianity and all monotheisms have to be dealt with head on regardless how benign it looks.
呵呵,正想到你呢。你说过,圣经里的耶和华是没有知识的 神?我不知道你有没有认真看过圣经。我们不要道听途说,那样会错过很多美好的东西。 耶和华是否有知识,我就举一处为例,请你看看旧约《约伯记》的38, 39, 40, 41章。很快能看完。

ForwardRetreat 朋友总说耶和华是“残忍的” 神(其实我已经说过他举的那些例子都是因为人犯的罪,里面也有好些是比喻)。那就看看圣经里的耶和华到底是怎样的 神? 我就随手举几处例子(其实圣经里到处都是),从旧约的最后一卷往前看(除非是小说,我看书都爱从后往前看)。


4:1 万军之耶和华说:“那日临近,势如烧着的火炉,凡狂傲的和行恶的,必如碎秸。在那日必被烧尽,根本枝条一无存留。

7:9-10 万军之耶和华曾对你们的列祖如此说:要按至理判断,各人以慈爱怜悯弟兄。不可欺压寡妇、孤儿、寄居的和贫穷人。谁都不可心里谋害弟兄。

1:2-3 耶和华是忌邪施报的 神。耶和华施报大有忿怒;向他的敌人施报,向他的仇敌怀怒。耶和华不轻易发怒,大有能力,万不以有罪的为无罪。

2:1-3 祸哉、那些在床上图谋罪孽造作奸恶的.天一发亮、因手有能力、就行出来了。他们贪图田地就占据.贪图房屋便夺取.他们欺压人、霸占房屋和产业。所以耶和华如此说、我筹画灾祸降与这族、这祸在你们的颈项上不能解脱、你们也不能昂首而行.因为这时势是恶的。

3:1-4 我说、雅各的首领、以色列家的官长阿、你们要听。你们不当知道公平么。 你们恶善好恶.从人身上剥皮、从人骨头上剔肉.吃我民的肉、剥他们的皮.打折他们的骨头、分成块子像要下锅、又像釜中的肉。 到了遭灾的时候、这些人必哀求耶和华、他却不应允他们.那时他必照他们所行的恶事、向他们掩面。

6: 8 世人哪、耶和华已指示你何为善。他向你所要的是甚么呢。只要你行公义、好怜悯、存谦卑的心、与你的 神同行。

7:2-6 地上虔诚人灭尽、世间没有正直人.各人埋伏要杀人流血.都用网罗猎取弟兄。他们双手作恶.君王徇情面、审判官要贿赂.位分大的吐出恶意.都彼此结联行恶。他们最好的、不过是蒺藜.最正直的、不过是荆棘篱笆。你守望者说降罚的日子已经来到.他们必扰乱不安。不要倚赖邻舍.不要信靠密友.要守住你的口、不要向你怀中的妻提说。因为儿子藐视父亲、女儿抗拒母亲、媳妇抗拒婆婆.人的仇敌、就是自己家里的人。

Jesus according to bible (regardless if he did exist) is nothing but a hypocrite, nothing to be admired of.
many times the Gospels of the New Testament portray Jesus as vengeful, demeaning, intolerant, and hypocritical. In one section Jesus calls for love of enemies, yet in another to slay them. He tells others to not use hurtful names, yet he called others fools, dogs, and vipers. He calls for honoring parents in one verse, yet demands hate toward family members in another.

渥太華國語宣道會: 我们搬家了!
Discussion with a religion follower is a joke. Conversion at any cost is more like it. Faith by definition requires no reasoning as your deeply rooted belief that the earth is 6k years old has revealed. God doesn't exist and Jesus is a fraud. You are spreading a plague and dividing humanity into artificially made up factions.
朋友,你这么说,实在是因为你不知道耶稣是怎样的人;你不明白主的话的意思。 一个能为别人死的人,又怎能咒诅他人呢???

你若愿意了解,你便能知道耶稣是怎样的人。 你若知道他是怎样的人,就不能不被他的谦卑而折服、不被他的大爱而感动。
he is a fraud if he did exist. according to bible, there is nothing to be admired about him. he is nothing but a cause of hatred. (for your info, I first read the bible when I was a early teen back in the early 80s and numerous times throughout my first stupid 35 years with christianity).
我们看的是同一本圣经吗?:shale: :D
I know it is hard for you to believe if you selectively choose to ignore the dark pages of the bible. (for your info, I first read the bible when I was a early teen back in the early 80s and numerous times throughout my first stupid 35 years with christianity).
我们看的是同一本圣经吗?:shale: :D

you selectively ignore the dark pages of the bible just the same as the greatapple.
I know it is hard for you to believe if you selectively choose to ignore the dark pages of the bible. (for your info, I first read the bible when I was a early teen back in the early 80s and numerous times throughout my first stupid 35 years with christianity).

圣经是完美的整体,并没有所谓的dark pages。 但是的确有许多讲述人的 dark side 以及上帝怎样 deal with it 的 pages。
