即使是主流媒体现在也报道加拿大平均房价已经下降$179,047或者大约20%。有的地方比如多伦多等下降更多, 但下降趋势还远未结束!十套房姐/哥们今天已经失去大约账面$1,790,000, 但是房贷还得还。

一个投资房的房贷是variable, 九月初房贷余额22万多,我卖了两万美金,加上手里一万加元,还了3.7万。


老公刚给汇了19万,马上把这个房的房贷都还了。问过了,罚款加上discharge fees 大概2500 to 2600。


另外两个投资房,房贷是fixed rate, 都是明年到期,争取一到期就全都还了。


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一个投资房的房贷是variable, 九月初房贷余额22万多,我卖了两万美金,加上手里一万加元,还了3.7万。


老公刚给汇了19万,马上把这个房的房贷都还了。问过了,罚款加上discharge fees 大概2500 to 2600。

一个投资房的房贷是variable, 九月初房贷余额22万多,我卖了两万美金,加上手里一万加元,还了3.7万。


老公刚给汇了19万,马上把这个房的房贷都还了。问过了,罚款加上discharge fees 大概2500 to 2600。


另外两个投资房,房贷是fixed rate, 都是明年到期,争取一到期就全都还了。
Your case is the few on the top. There are others who are not that lucky. All the best to you and particularly for those who are not that lucky! And it seems you are smart enough to know when to buy and particularly when to sell.

Canadian households have lost billions in real estate cool-down​

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Home prices have only fallen to where they were 18 months ago, but there are knock-on effects to the economy​


Peter Armstrong · CBC News · Posted: Sep 16, 2022 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: 4 hours ago


Real estate for-sale signs in Oakville, Ont. on Saturday, Dec.1, 2018. (Richard Buchan/The Canadian Press)

Canada's real estate market has suddenly and dramatically cooled. Sales have dropped 24 per cent since this time last year. The average price of a home in this country has fallen by $179,047 since the peak in February.

And yet, has much actually changed?

"I consider it like letting the air out of a balloon," said Colin Cieszynski, chief market strategist at SIA Wealth Management. "You don't want it necessarily to pop and burst, but in the near term prices needed to come down to something that was a little bit more sustainable."

For anyone trying to get into the market, the prospect of a cool down was always presented as an opportunity. But even with a 20 per cent drop in prices, Canada's average home price has fallen back to where it was in early 2021.


What has changed, however, is how house-poor the typical Canadian family is feeling lately. Statistics Canada says the drop in home prices has helped drive the largest decline of household wealth this country has ever seen.

Billions lost in household net worth​

It may be easy to look at the decline in home prices and, if you're not an owner trying to sell, say, "That doesn't affect me."

But the reality is: Much of Canadian household wealth is tied up in home prices, the sector itself remains one of the biggest contributors to Canadian GDP, and it just took a hit.

Statscan says the net worth of Canadian households — defined as the value of all assets minus all liabilities — fell by a staggering $990.1 billion in April, May and June.

"This decline was compounded by a $389.8-billion drop in the value of non-financial assets, as the streak of gains in real estate that began in late 2018 was halted by a housing market grappling with rapidly rising interest rates," wrote the data agency in a release last week.

The rest of the drop in household wealth comes as stock markets tanked in the second quarter. (Statscan's figures only covered the period ending in June. Stock markets have recovered somewhat since then, but the once red-hot housing market losses have accelerated through July and August.)


A pedestrian passes a "Help Wanted" sign in the door of a hardware store in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S., July 8, 2022. REUTERS/Brian Snyder (Brian Snyder/Reuters)
As home values fall, there's a knock-on effect for the rest of the economy, "like spending on building materials, spending on furniture, all that kind of stuff," said BMO's senior economist Robert Kavcic.

"We have more depressed housing activity that's going to drag on real economic growth and is going to drag on job growth."

As home values skyrocketed over the past decades, Canadian homeowners felt richer. They borrowed more and spent more, using their ever-rising home values as a sort of ATM.

As values fall off and interest rates rise, homeowners are less likely to borrow and spend.

Those interest rates will also slow the economy in another way, says Kavcic.

"If your mortgage payment is gone up $500 a month, or $1000 a month, that is immediately biting into discretionary spending that you could otherwise be spending elsewhere in the economy," he told CBC News.

Inflation is not over​

Meanwhile, inflation is eating into our purchasing power and eroding wage growth.

Combined, consumers are looking for ways to scale back spending, and small decisions make big differences when scaled out over a population.

"If you're not going out for lunch, well, that's one fewer sale at the local lunch place and maybe at some point, a couple fewer jobs," said Kavcic.

He expects there are difficult days ahead.

Gas pump.

Falling gasoline prices are driving down headline inflation. But other the price of other goods and services continues to rise. (Robert Short/CBC )
Next week, Canada's latest inflation numbers are set to be released. They're forecast to show a deceleration in the main, headline number that in June reached a 39-year high of 8.1 per cent.

But economists are concerned that core inflation, which strips out volatile components like gasoline and food, is still rising. Cieszynski says the most recent inflation numbers from the U.S. show how tough it is to rein in rising prices.

"[Last week's U.S.] numbers showed that inflation is sticky, it's remaining high and it may or may not have peaked," he said.

"Even if it does start to come down, it may come down much slower than [Wall Street] had anticipated."
If inflation does persist even as higher interest rates bite into the economy, he says, central banks including the Bank of Canada would have to increase rates more than expected and remain high for longer than anticipated.

That would mean more turmoil for both stock markets and real estate markets. Which in turn would mean an even larger erosion of household wealth than we've already seen.
今年夏天的房贷余额是48万,这个22 万的 variable 的马上就还掉了。明年三月底还有一个11的 fixed rate 的到期,到期就还掉。

明年秋天剩下的15 万的 fixed 房贷也到期,如果不能全部还掉,就还5 万或者一半。到明年底最多只剩10万房贷。








10房姐的成功其实是幸存者偏差。看看周围的人,不少人杠杆满满,6房妹,8房哥,等等, 悠着点吧


如果纯粹账面税前收益,房屋增值和股票指数增值,长期看是类似的。差别在于税务。房屋增值的税后留存比股票多一点。 这多一点的收益其实是风险PREMIUM, 就是要承担各类房客,凶案,官司,房东房客之间冲突的对冲收益PREMIUM。 有的人能把这PREMIUM挣了,有的人其实非但挣不到这税务PREMIUM,而且要倒贴,或招到刀血之灾。

For principal residence, think this way if you buy today you would have saved almost 200k (compared it to the price peak in Jan/Feb this year), so it's not a bad time to buy. If you believe the price will continue its down trend, you may wait for a while to buy. I bought my first one in 90s with much higher rate than today's. But one has to live somewhere.
一个投资房的房贷是variable, 九月初房贷余额22万多,我卖了两万美金,加上手里一万加元,还了3.7万。


老公刚给汇了19万,马上把这个房的房贷都还了。问过了,罚款加上discharge fees 大概2500 to 2600。


另外两个投资房,房贷是fixed rate, 都是明年到期,争取一到期就全都还了。


不买房也够花,但是一方面不想存款贬值,另一方面我不想, 也当不了CS3, 就想另外做点什么证明一下自己。

没有高人指点,全靠自己瞎闯。我现在回想一下,如果2016, 2017, 2019 年不买房我肯定后悔。

渥太华的投资房比较烦,头两个是三室有后院的,房客搬走后收拾院子太辛苦,打算等租客搬走了就卖掉,这两个房的房客应该还会住上三年吧。第三个是两室三层没后院的糖耗子,这个打算长期持有,第四个是抗痘,现在condo fees 加parking 是170, 如果condo fees 涨得太高也考虑卖掉。

当房东也是人生经历,有的租客非常好,有的租客表面上很体面,实际上是垃圾,遇上这样的租客我就不想干了,觉得自己也不缺钱,为什么要跟垃圾打交道。而安省的政策是制造垃圾的根本原因,我可以告租客,但不能告安省政府,安省的政策不改,就会不断制造垃圾租客。所以即使利率是0, 我也不会再在安省买投资房了。
因为十月份可能还要加息,不还的话,每月月供全给银行了。银行罚3 个月的利息,如果不付这三个月的利息,我就得再付一年的利息。我老公的存款几乎没有利息,所以马上都还了。

不是炫富,我岁数一大把,早就过了炫的年纪,早就不需要别人的认可,再说我一个CS2, 年薪才九万多,有什么好炫的,渥太华比我挣钱多的满大街都是。如果这个帖里没人提到我,我也不想说话。所以不是炫。
