
最初由 green_grass 发布

这话我同意. 每个人都有自己的喜好和偏爱, 但是孩子气的不加分析的论调是幼稚的, 欣赏/不欣赏背后的思考才是真正有价值的. 说句"我不喜欢"是很容易的, 但说出"我为什么不喜欢"就不那么简单了.
You know what, I do feel more comfortable writing in English, just because I don't know what I would say in Chinese, but you could probably imagine that!

For someone who changes his identity like a cheap suit, I don't see how your comment provides any valuable arguments. I know who you are, but you DON"T know me, and for God sake, it's not even funny. So grow up and stop acting like a complete idiot.

最初由 瞎聊 发布
还争个什么劲? 跟一个连余华和余杰都分不清的人, 听说她中文不大利索, 可以原谅嘛.:evil: :bsmile:

Actually I said it a few times the reason I don't like Wang anymore: her language! Her language used to be so pure, simple yet so moving that it touched the deepest of your emotions. Unfortunately in her recent novels, she dragged her audience to a contest of what I call "literary jargons": words that are presented just for the hell of it, without any purpose. In one sentence she'd use 10 different synonyms, all describing the same emotion; or paraphrase the same idea over and over again through out a chapter. That's a waste of my time, and I think I have the right to say "I don't like that".

You know what your problem is: you don't listen, you only listen to what you want to hear. This is not your little reading club, this is a BBS and my opinion is just as valuable as yours. It's easy to put a "hat" over someone who just happens to disagree with you, but does that qualify as a conclusion derived from "deep thinking", like you so eloquently put? You may have a mission at your reading club, fine, all we know that now, but this forum is not intended to be a reading club nor will it ever be! I couldn't believe the arrogance you have displayed in your previous comments, just because I didn't say what you want to hear?!

余杰 -> 余华 was simply a typo. I wasn't sure about the author of "情爱画廊", that was my mistake. (In my defence, I did put a question mark indicating a doubt.) Like Wang, Zhang used to be one of my favorite authors, male or female. I still read some passages from her novel "隐形伴侣" at times. Good books touch you or make you think about your inner self. Unfortunately she has evolved into a popular writer as well. The heroin of "情爱画廊", this amazingly beautiful, intelligent, yet independent woman is just too stereotypical to be true or for anyone to relate to her. She was just like a Godess fallen from the heaven. Now in all fairness, I did detect Zhang's effort to describe the painful struggle of the Chinese artists, or Chinese arts in general. However this effort is dampened by the tedious love story between the 2 main characters.

I think you owe me an apology.

最初由 hpever 发布

这话我同意. 每个人都有自己的喜好和偏爱, 但是孩子气的不加分析的论调是幼稚的, 欣赏/不欣赏背后的思考才是真正有价值的. 说句"我不喜欢"是很容易的, 但说出"我为什么不喜欢"就不那么简单了.
最初由 sage 发布
I think you owe me an apology.

I don't see hpever personally attacked anyone here. She just spoke her mind. I can't see any appology needed here.

I find it is easier to chat about books in person than on the Internet. First, we have to type :). Then, when we read the posts, we interprate them with our own imagination. It's very easy to cause misunderstandings. For example, sage said to hpever "You know what your problem is: you don't listen, you only listen to what you want to hear. This is not your little reading club..." I find these are very strong words and there must be some piece missing during the discussion to cause this.If hpever and sage had talked with each other in person, the conversation would have been totally different.

Sage, if you have time, could you join us the next meeting(yes, of course I am from that little reading club :)). If you get together with us once, you may find it different from what you think.

I am sorry that I have to type in English. I just deleted my NJStar.
abby: you are so sweet! What I found offensive was that hpever categorized my comments as "childish" and what I understood that he inferred was that they were dumb, irresponsible, in short a conclusion without any thoughts.

Once again, this is not a reading club and I'm really not interested to review a book I dislike, but I believe I can still just say "I don't like that book". Whether or not I choose to explain to you why I don't like that book is totally up to me, don't you agree? On the other hand, hpever is forcing (or at least tryint to force) everyone to conform to your reading club standards. Unfortunately abby, this is only going to push more people away.

I think he does owe me an apology, and I apologize for using the adjective "little" in front of "your reading club." I remain firm on my other comments. :)






I don't think it's a big deal to be called "childish", esp. on the BBS, and I believe hepever didn't mean that to you personally.
Sometimes people do use some 'strong' words to express their opinion, it may not very nice, while not mean to be rude. Actually there's one post from you in which you refereed to someone as "泼妇", you didn't mean it, right? Do you feel you own her an apology?

Speaking of Reading Club, we never intend to turn this forum to our reading club, and never intend to be judgmental to other's opinion. I am surprised by what you said "force everyone to conform to your reading club standards", we don't hold any specific standards here, the only thing we have been expecting is "exchange the thoughts seriously", do you feel uncomfortable about that?

I don't see anyone from reading club to force anyone here to like someone/somebook, or stop anyone saying "I don't like that book" without any comments. As you said, it's totally up to you and that's perfectly ok. we just think it's more valuable to exchange not only opinion but also the thoughts behind that.

By the way, thanks for sharing your thoughs on "情爱画廊", I do think it values more than just saying "I don't like that book".
Sage: first of all, I have a feeling you are getting very emotional and personal, you used a lot of strong words:

“You know what your problem is: you don't listen, you only listen to what you want to hear.”

“This is not your little reading club …but this forum is not intended to be a reading club nor will it ever be!”

“I couldn't believe the arrogance you have displayed…”

I find those words negative and destructive to this discussion and assaulted my fellow reading club members.

I assume you are already calmed down thus I can put my two cents here and not causing any misunderstanding.

首先 , 我从没有想也没有试图要强加于任何人我或者读书会的观点(谁又会有此能力呢). 前面已经讲过了, 在这里发贴只是寻找兴趣相投的朋友. 很偶然的, 有人喜欢我们都很喜欢的一本书, 所以大家交流了彼此的想法, 你不喜欢其作者, 我本人非常有兴趣知道为什么, 因为我以为你会让我看到我没有看到的东西. 你转发了余杰的文章, 我假设你同意其所有的观点, 所以我认真的读了, 而且讲了我不同意的地方. 不懂你为什么会得到我不倾听, 而且期望所有人都同意我观点的结论?即使在读书会里, 也不是所有人都欣赏王安忆, 我们也有过同样的讨论, 不知道有什么地方让你如此愤怒?

如今在网上情绪化的论调到处都是, 甲说, 我不喜欢这部电影, 难看死了, 乙说, 那本书简直是垃圾. 可是人们真正想听到的是理由, 是帮助人们提高的东西, 如果每个人都象小孩子一样, 我不喜欢苹果, 喜欢香蕉, 那么这样的交流意义何在?

我还是不懂你为什么会要求我道歉, 如果说我不同意你评论书的方式就必须道歉的话, 那么你用了一些轻蔑的词语讲我和读书会又该如何呢?

最后, 如果再有如此情绪化和个人化的贴子, 我不会予以理会.


笑言的分析真是一针见血! 为什么网上的一些老同志不能容不同的声音呢 看来BBs 也不全是自由的乐土 还好这样的老同志不多
没猜是你啊, 又自作多情! 切. :smoke:

最初由 ottawa_ca 发布




最初由 ottawa_ca 发布


这坛子上起新 FORUM 的定式,网友要求,众人讨论, RIVEN 开坛:D 。唯有读书会,是 RIVEN 先提出建一个读书论坛,但没被响应。。。

那 SHREK 可还在渥太华?今年圣诞节我不回家,等着他请我喝酒 :D :) :D



大概一个月之前,因为又临读书定期聚会,才注册了网名,希望在这里结识更多的朋友,原因也很简单,一些朋友离开了读书会,我们感到更多朋友的参与能带来更多收获. (我们确曾有一位网名叫SHREK的会员,他因为工作关系今年春天去了美国,现在文学苑的所有帖子都在他离开之后,与他无关.不太明白您在这里提到他是要说明什么).




