渥汰华中区保守党候选人凯思 方潭的竞选纲领(最新版)

最初由 只在乎曾经拥有 发布

不相信是句玩笑, 而相信是你发自内心的表白。虽然如此, 我还是支持你。希望你主观为自己, 客观为华人。因保守党的背景和理念,个人觉得在保守党内比在自由党内较难服务华人。

Small goverment, low tax.
I think IT engineer like this 理念.
A lot of chinese people work as IT engineer. They will support 保守党.
最初由 只在乎曾经拥有 发布

不相信是句玩笑, 而相信是你发自内心的表白。虽然如此, 我还是支持你。希望你主观为自己, 客观为华人。因保守党的背景和理念,个人觉得在保守党内比在自由党内较难服务华人。
对你的支持,我深表感谢。不管相信是玩笑也好,内心表白也好。只要读者不认为是冒犯,我就心安了。“主观为自己, 客观为大家”咱没想过。只是通过朋友介绍,与Keith见面一聊,觉得很投机,就决定帮他竞选。其实我更希望在我们年轻的移民中有出类拔萃的人才,或是我们移民的二代,三代中有人挺身站出竞选,我定会为其摇旗呐喊,牵马坠镫,挨家挨户的敲门拉选票(我本人是江郎才尽,廉颇老矣,只有寄希望于后生了)。我觉得华人参政不是一句空话,要几代人的努力,积累经验。例如如何组织竞选团队,敲开住户门以后,如何用英语(或用法语)表达你的竞选纲领/主张,如何劝导住户投你一票。。。等等这些细节是从书本上学不到的,只能靠亲身经历。我想有空把我在冰雨之夜与Keith Fountain和另外两位志愿者一起挨家挨户的敲门拉选票(Canvassing)的经历写出了,放到网上,与社区华人共享。

另外我觉得我们应该用发展的眼光看待保守党。我也承认保守党并非完美无缺,过去也确实有过问题(史蒂文 哈勃本人昨天也承认了这一点)。但是保守党也在进步,也在发展。在当前情况下,保守党是最合适的。至少保守党是第一个声明支持政府应该为人头税向华人公开道歉的政党。这就证明保守党已认识到加拿大华人的力量不可忽视。再说换个党试试有什么可怕的,天塌不下来。加拿大是个民主的国家。如果是个少数席位政府,加拿大人民随时可以让他再下台。即使是多数席位政府,最多不过4年。4年后,你手中的选票又给了你重新选择的机会。难道我们连试-试的勇气都没有吗?如果真是那样,自由党可真的要为所欲为了。
最初由 finalwinner 发布

对于同性恋者同居能否称为“婚姻”(marriage),史蒂文 哈勃只是要进行一次真正意义上的国会议员自由投票表决,他本人和保守党将绝对尊重表决结果。而不是像自由党那样,以高压政策要求所有自由党议员投赞成票,要求与马丁和其代表的中央保持一致(将近有半数自由党议员表决前明确表示反对,但是自由党下死令:要投反对票,先辞去部长/议员的职务。结果只有一人为忠实于本区选民,毅然辞职。如果当时真的自由投票,那个提案会以压倒性多数票被否决)。同时加拿大最高法院曾明确表明:是否称为“婚姻”并非属于人权的范畴,故不是法院的职责作最后裁决。这只是个世俗的约定俗成,应由国会决定。史蒂文 哈勃多次声明,是否称为“婚姻”(marriage)只是个名词区别,决没有任何实质性的经济社会影响。况且,地球人都知道,没有谁把此事当真。只有马丁以次做为把史蒂文 哈勃妖魔化的救命稻草。

The only way to reverse the same-sex marriage law is to use the Notwithstanding Clause. This is a fact. The Parliament can hold as many votes at it wants and it will not change this fact. The Conservative Party had better tell this to the voters honestly.

In my opinion, if the Conservative Party comes to power, it would be the beginning of the end of Canada as we know it. The Conservatives will never win any substantial number of seats in Quebec, and by the time the PQ wins the next provincial election (which they will given the current situation) and holds a referendum, the Conservative Party would just let Quebec go without any hesitation because it would be much easier for the Conservatives to win an election in a Canada without Quebec.
最初由 xjl 发布

Small goverment, low tax.
I think IT engineer like this 理念.
A lot of chinese people work as IT engineer. They will support 保守党.

"Small goverment, low tax."只是内政理念之一, 除了把自己引入的GST降低1-2%外, 其内涵比较空洞. 看不出与 "IT engineer"有必然联系. 减税谁不喜欢, 我还投了Mike Harris 两票(注:两次省选举). 但看看Mike Harris 留给安省的医疗系统, 想找一个家庭医生都无门, 不知有何感想. (知道这次是联邦选举, 只是举个例子).

联邦政府职责的其它方面比如外交, 国防, 移民, cultural tolerance, Equaty, 和 Unity of Canada 就不是用"Small goverment, low tax."能一笔带过的.
最初由 finalwinner 发布
我觉得华人参政不是一句空话,要几代人的努力,积累经验。例如如何组织竞选团队,敲开住户门以后,如何用英语(或用法语)表达你的竞选纲领/主张,如何劝导住户投你一票。。。等等这些细节是从书本上学不到的,只能靠亲身经历。我想有空把我在冰雨之夜与Keith Fountain和另外两位志愿者一起挨家挨户的敲门拉选票(Canvassing)的经历写出了,放到网上,与社区华人共享。

最初由 只在乎曾经拥有 发布

"Small goverment, low tax."只是内政理念之一, 除了把自己引入的GST降低1-2%外, 其内涵比较空洞. 看不出与 "IT engineer"有必然联系. 减税谁不喜欢, 我还投了Mike Harris 两票(注:两次省选举). 但看看Mike Harris 留给安省的医疗系统, 想找一个家庭医生都无门, 不知有何感想. (知道这次是联邦选举, 只是举个例子).

联邦政府职责的其它方面比如外交, 国防, 移民, cultural tolerance, Equaty, 和 Unity of Canada 就不是用"Small goverment, low tax."能一笔带过的.

poor people 不喜欢。赖人不喜欢。老人不喜欢。These people support NDP.
low salary working people like Lib.
high salary working people Con.
Richer people like Con

Small goverment save money and support 外交, 国防, 移民, cultural tolerance, Equaty, 和 Unity of Canada.
最初由 xjl 发布

poor people 不喜欢。赖人不喜欢。老人不喜欢。These people support NDP.
low salary working people like Lib.
high salary working people Con.
Richer people like Con

Small goverment save money and support 外交, 国防, 移民, cultural tolerance, Equaty, 和 Unity of Canada.

与你讲话有点累, 因为你喜欢把问题系统化和简单化.

税有多种, 有Income tax, GST, PST, gas surtax ... 你能告诉我那个穷人不喜欢减GST. 你的结论似乎源于单一税种, 即Income tax. 以一概全,不敢循同.

六位数以上Salary, 不知你如何"阶级划分"?

你好象没理解我说的"外交, 国防, 移民, cultural tolerance, Equaty, 和 Unity of Canada". 比如, 要不要追随BUSH? 要不要加入导弹防御系统? 如何对待少数民族? 有没有妖魔化那片我们生长过的土地? 要不要尽力维持加拿大的统一? 还有很多, 不一而论. 这些与你说的"Small goverment save money"没有太多关系.
最初由 Michel 发布

In my opinion, if the Conservative Party comes to power, it would be the beginning of the end of Canada as we know it. The Conservatives will never win any substantial number of seats in Quebec, and by the time the PQ wins the next provincial election (which they will given the current situation) and holds a referendum, the Conservative Party would just let Quebec go without any hesitation because it would be much easier for the Conservatives to win an election in a Canada without Quebec.
Ho, Ho, Ho, wait a moment (sounds like Don Cherry at the Hockey Night in Canada), you make too many “what if" predictions in your controversial conclusion. Let me rewrite your coding to show you:

1)What if PQ wins the next provincial election in 2 years? Answer: don’t know (50/50)
2) What if PQ holds a referendum (based on 1) ? A: uncertain (50/50)
3) what if Conservative hold seats less than liberal in Quebec? A: uncertain
4) what if Quebec referendum loss - uncertain
5) is the Conservative on power better in a referendum ? A: probably
6) is the Liberal on power better in a referendum ? A: NO, worse for sure.

Fighting for the union of Canada is a smart excuse by Liberal to fool Quebecers and Canadians during the past 4 elections (also this is the basis for designing and operating the scandals). However, “Wolf coming” type of game could not play too often; better to find a new trick. a) do you trust the Quebec people, who are rational as you and me, and have abilities to choose the best for their future? b) How could you think Liberal could hold as many seats this time in Quebec as before? c) don’t you think PQ likes Liberal win this time since they can attack Liberal’s corruption more effectively to persuade Quebec to separate from the Federal system? d) how could you know the Conservatives would just let Quebec go without any hesitation, are you a secretary of the Conservative party? The game Liberal plays is too old. They should be a little more creative this time to fool Canadians again. Thank you for your post.
最初由 只在乎曾经拥有 发布

与你讲话有点累, 因为你喜欢把问题系统化和简单化.

税有多种, 有Income tax, GST, PST, gas surtax ... 你能告诉我那个穷人不喜欢减GST. 你的结论似乎源于单一税种, 即Income tax. 以一概全,不敢循同.

六位数以上Salary, 不知你如何"阶级划分"?

你好象没理解我说的"外交, 国防, 移民, cultural tolerance, Equaty, 和 Unity of Canada". 比如, 要不要追随BUSH? 要不要加入导弹防御系统? 如何对待少数民族? 有没有妖魔化那片我们生长过的土地? 要不要尽力维持加拿大的统一? 还有很多, 不一而论. 这些与你说的"Small goverment save money"没有太多关系.

Sorry, 我只是说说我的想法。请不要生气。
税多(Income tax, GST, PST, gas surtax ...)谁得益?穷人或六位数以上Salary(high salary working class)?

?思.方潭 (Keith Fountain)

?思 方潭在加拿大外交部樵已工作15年,具有赜富的?肴?野和治政??。他曾担任外交部聆巴基斯坦?波兰?褚?西?和阿富汗的外交官员。在此期殓╋通咿陪穆斯林?佛教徒?基督徒?印度教徒等一起的工作陪生活╋?斯咄一步展现了?不同文化?宗教?肺族的尊敬陪支持。在他任外交部南?司阿富汗?副?樘和北?司副司樘期殓╋?斯充分显示了他的非凡的钌?能力和高超的领导艺术。在加拿大政府?策中心的疏密院办公厅(Privy Council Office)工作的?年期间,凯思作?加拿大总理外交顾问团的特别顾问,就加拿大对阿富汗?中?和朝躜等?的外交政策向?理外交政策??团提供了极为有价值的建阻。这段直接参与加拿大政府决策中心的经历使凯思获得了宝贵的经验和深邃敏锐的洞察力。

?思 方潭倡导的政府是一个“民信”的政府:他认为:加拿大的人民清楚地知道该如何支配他们的辛苦所得,政府对此应给予他们足够的尊重和自由度,让他们去追求自己和家庭的最佳生活模式。同时,政府也应该诚信廉洁,合理税制,(既不使税赋过重),又要保证在诸如健康,教育等重大方面给予全体加拿大人最好的福利保障,使他们免除后顾之忧。
About Keith Fountain:

Fifteen years in the Canadian foreign service have given Keith a number of formative impressions and experiences. As a diplomat posted to Pakistan, Poland, Malasia and Afghanistan, he developed a respect for different perspectives, customs and traditions while living and working alongside Muslim, Buddhist, Christian and Hindu peoples. As Deputy Director of Northern European Division and Deputy Director of Afghanistan unit of south Asia Division in Department of Foreign Affairs, he proved his leadership and skills to achieve results for Canada. Keith also worked in the Privy Council Office for two years as a Foreign Policy Advisor, successfully advising the PM’ s Foreign Policy Advisor on Canadian Policy notably with respect to our engagement with Afghanistan, China and North Korea. He gained valuable insight and experience at the centre of decision making in the Government of Canada.

Keith Fountain believes that governments in Canada should respect that Canadians know best how to spend their hard-earned money, and that they should have the freedom and every opportunity to make the best possible life for themselves and their family. He believes that government should be accountable, tax wisely and enough to deliver the best results in areas, such as health and education, which benefit all Canadians and their families.

最初由 xjl 发布

Sorry, 我只是说说我的想法。请不要生气。
税多(Income tax, GST, PST, gas surtax ...)谁得益?穷人或六位数以上Salary(high salary working class)?

最初由 小傻 发布

小傻大侠,我很敬重你的人品及见识,今天我为道不同而遗憾,希望竞选之外能有切磋交流的机会。 说真心话,我佩服傻字家族的每个人(从傻哥那儿开始). 大智若愚, 难得糊涂也是我所追求的最高境界。
最初由 赊月 发布


最初由 xjl 发布


:cool: :)

好象最近开始辩论了,楼主支持的这个人也会上么?听说是个帅哥,有点好奇,想睇上一睇 :p
Looks like there will be a Conservative majority now.