精华 懒人养草书

never use fertilizer with weed control, never! never! never!

This is why ontario will ban all pesticides use. Killex is great selective herbicides. It is very safe for human, but people start to abuse it. It is sprayed to whole lawn or mix with fertilizer to use on whole lawn even only few weed is there. Table salt could be a poison when there is too much, how about a chemical. You don't need to use on the place there is no weed. It would kill the weed but not preventing it. Hand spray individual weed only, it only take very small amount.

And fertilizer with weed control would kill young grass too. If you use it with seeding, it is a waste time.

After seeding and laying sod,if no rain, water them.



white grub. There are something you can buy at HD or CT to kill them.
I don't like use pestcides since you have to use it all over the lawn. You can fertilizer more and water deeper once a week. A healthy lawn could take it.

Last year was very bad. The winter was long and white grub caused lot of demaged. My block more than half the lawn has large bare spot. I used 5 rolls of sod this spring in the front and 3 bag of earths and seeding in the backyard. Usually I need only 1 roll of sod and no seeding.
The problem is white grub they eat grass roots last fall and long winter did not do any good. Animal dig the grub for food casuing more trouble. You see the result of it this spring. I found lots of them under th bare spot.
One thing makes me more anger is that piece of lawn belong to city by the road. I only mowed it, fertilizer and seed it when I have some thing leftover, never watered even after seeding. It looks better than my front lawn. Only has few small bare spot and almost recovered by now. :flaming:
其实也没什么,和路边没人管,只有人割的野地一样吧了. 前院是这样会有人骂,后院谁管你. 割齐了一样是绿的. 入秋撒一次草籽和化肥. 喷一喷Killex压一下阔叶野草会好看一点.
不放手怎么办,就整理了那么一次草坪,就被POSION IVY毒到了。惨痛经历现在仍在继续中。
大家一定要认清楚这个POSION IVY,千万不要被毒到。如果被毒到了,一定要赶紧采取措施,看医生去。不要象我以为扛扛就过去了,结果:crying:
You are a good candidate for spraying KillexConcentrate; buy a bottle of concentrate and a spry bottle. Dilute killerx with water and spry them to lawn. Do it again three days later. It would kill 90 % of the weed including poison ivy. Do it now because weed it actively growing, at this stage they are sensitive to killex. After summer when they are mature. killex don’t work that well.

Leave it like that till September, You can keep spray killex few time if they are still some weeds. But have to stop at least 2 week before seeding new grass seeds.

At September, go buy 10 bags or more black earth from walmart and one bag of grass seeds. Use a metal rake, rake the lawn, and take out as much as dead grass as possible. Spray the soil, rake again, spray the grass seeds, rake again, mix the seeds with soil. Water it twice a day till it germinates and about 3cm high. After that, water deep once a week if there is no rain. Feritlize it at this point. You lawn would looks better next spring.

Mow the lawn regularly, is one of most important thing to reduce weeds. Most weed can’t take regular and repeated mowing but grass can.
You are a good candidate for spraying KillexConcentrate; buy a bottle of concentrate and a spry bottle. Dilute killerx with water and spry them to lawn. Do it again three days later. It would kill 90 % of the weed including poison ivy. Do it now because weed it actively growing, at this stage they are sensitive to killex. After summer when they are mature. killex don’t work that well.

Leave it like that till September, You can keep spray killex few time if they are still some weeds. But have to stop at least 2 week before seeding new grass seeds.

有两个问题请教: 1、KILLERX直接喷在草坪上会不会把草也给杀死了?
有两个问题请教: 1、KILLERX直接喷在草坪上会不会把草也给杀死了?

1) It wouldn't kill grass.
2) No, one need to spray two times. First and second time three days later.
You are a good candidate for spraying KillexConcentrate; buy a bottle of concentrate and a spry bottle. Dilute killerx with water and spry them to lawn. Do it again three days later. It would kill 90 % of the weed including poison ivy. Do it now because weed it actively growing, at this stage they are sensitive to killex. After summer when they are mature. killex don’t work that well.

Leave it like that till September, You can keep spray killex few time if they are still some weeds. But have to stop at least 2 week before seeding new grass seeds.

At September, go buy 10 bags or more black earth from walmart and one bag of grass seeds. Use a metal rake, rake the lawn, and take out as much as dead grass as possible. Spray the soil, rake again, spray the grass seeds, rake again, mix the seeds with soil. Water it twice a day till it germinates and about 3cm high. After that, water deep once a week if there is no rain. Feritlize it at this point. You lawn would looks better next spring.

Mow the lawn regularly, is one of most important thing to reduce weeds. Most weed can’t take regular and repeated mowing but grass can.
