1) Killex does not kill 虫子. A health lawn could tolerant some pests.谢谢.这个对我家也实用.前两天weedman到我家促销,一个劲说我们的草坪还有救,说真的,我自己都放弃了.今年前后院的野草实在是太茂盛了,把正规军都几乎全部歼灭了.看了你的建议,又重新点燃了希望的火种.
2) 10 bag only able to cover about 200 square foot or less for redo the lawn, But could cover 400 for over seeds. Since only thin spot needs it.
grass seeds you could check the label.
3)nothing to do with snow. My guess is lawn is not fertilized well for years. It is losing organic mass. Add new soil would help.
4)after using killex, keep your kid a away for few days.
6)It depends. If you want good results, you should take out dead grass, weeds and lose the soil to 5cm , then seeds it. But you accept some weeds. I have piece of lawn belong to city but should be taken care by me. I apply some killex to weeds, kill it,after few days put grass seeds under the weed. dead weed become a cover for grass seeds. You wouldn't get a perfect lawn this way. But it looks ok.
7)I dont' think so.
If there is way too much weeds. Redo the lawn may be easier. You may be better redo the front lawn using sod. a 2 x 5 roll is 3 dollars. It has much better result than seeding.