精华 苦辣酸甜难书尽,成败得失笑谈中

Thanks for the suggestion of HNU.TO! I will check into that when my hands are free. There is continuous work to be done for my current holdings and I am tied up with those at the moment.

I did not close DVAX on the way up but down (off more than a point on 25K shares, letting too much profits vanish) for a number of reasons:

1) I was expecting FDA's lifting of Heplisav clinical ban and I was right at that, the stock did soar on that news;

2) I was expecting the stock to move above 4/5 on that news but it did not, I was wrong in my pps expectation and badly disappointed. I did not anticipate market movements but took whatever it had to offer. When the offer was not in line with my expectations, I closed out;

3) I was expecting a PA announcement shortly after the news for Heplisav, that did not materialize. DVAX initiated the 600-people trial on its own. That trial will take at least two years to complete. Add in the lot-to-lot trial it is going to conduct, the costs will be very high relative to its cash position. Without a PA, DVAX is subject to issuing new shares --- dilution;

4) With the focus on Heplisav trials, DVAX may not initiate the universal flu trials as planned and announced earlier; and finally

5) I need capital for my perceived better competing use. I can't afford to lock up a big chunk of capital in "dead money".

These are my own reasonings. I have been wrong many times before and I will be wrong many times going forward. I was willing to take the risk of missing a DVAX surprise run.

I enjoy reading your writing, and it is kind of creative. :cool:

I noticed you closed your DVAX position, and could you please let us know the reason?

I bought hnu.to(gas.to) since it is said that this winter would be very cold, and the gas price is very low. What do you think?

我今年在我的RSP中反复买来卖去hou.to,hnd.to.hnu.to这几个ETF,收益还算可以(over 70%)。

70% in a year, that is outstanding, congratulations!

Personally, I don't like ETFs or funds for that matter. They have the goods blended with the bads.
我今年在我的RSP中反复买来卖去hou.to,hnd.to.hnu.to这几个ETF,收益还算可以(over 70%)。

that's the three ETF i have been looking for a few months. 70% is very good. that means you caught most of the up and down.

I am still wondering where is natural gas going now. it went down a lot this year already, and winter is coming...
Natural gas supply is way more than demand now.Price drop due to lower oil price, and no need for natural gas. Therefore natural gas price dropped.Winter is coming, doesn't mean a lot if supply is much more than demand.
thanks. that's what i understood, but natural gas has already fallen a lot this year to a quite low level due to the reason you mentioned. I am just wondering does it still have margin to go down more or it might have a bounce back for the winter.
A story to pump up spirits for those who happen to be in my camp (hopefully none)

The last four days have absolutely taken my brokerage
account to the cleanser. No word can adequately describe
how horrible the closing balance was.To keep spirits
bright such that thinking is not clouded and stupid moves
not made out of emotions, I keep reading and re-reading
in my mind this story. Here it is to share with you. It
is not the original story I read. Rather, it is my
variation. There may be millions of variations to be
written from different perspectives. Feel free to write
your variation if you like.

Two best buddies, John and Joe, headed out for a fun day.
After much discussion, they decided to settle for the
racetrack so that John could bet on the races and Joe
enjoy the beer. There were 9 races scheduled for that day
and John took out 2 dollars to bet on the 1st race.
Lady luck struck and John's horse came out the winner.
John bet his initial 2 dollars plus the winnings on the
2nd race. Lady luck struck again and his horse came out
the winner. John repeated this practice on the 3rd race
and won, 4th race and won, 5th race and won, 6th race and won,
7th race and won, 8th race and won. At this point, the
winnings were so big that he was not sure what to do.
Two conflicting voices were inside him: "stop and go home
with all these winnings", one voice told him; "continue
and go all in for the final race", the other said. So
he went into the bar to tell Joe what happened and got
his counsel. Being the best buddy, Joe told John to do
whatever he felt comfortable with himself without
offering a specific suggestion as to stop or continue.
After much internal struggle, John returned to the
racetrack and bet his initial 2 dollars plus the large
sum of winnings from the previous 8 races on the final
race. The race was run and his horse came out second.
He lost all those winnings and his initial 2 dollars.
He was pissed at himself, predictably and understandably.
Knowing what happened, Joe went out to the track to meet
John to offer some comforting. "Look, John, you had all
the entertainment, excitement and fun you wanted all day long
at the grand total cost of 2 dollars. Yes, you could
indeed have stopped after the 8th race and gone home with
all those fantastic winnings but you did not. Let's
suppose another scenario. You sat down with me in the
bar and downed 10 beers instead of betting from the 1st
race on. On the one hand, the beers would have cost you
50 dollars and on the other, you would not have those
winnings to start with. True, you lost 2 dollars but by
betting on the races rather than sitting in the bar, you
have achieved 3 things all at the same time: had all
the entertainment, excitement and fun you wanted all day;
saved yourself 48 dollars; and saved yourself from being
a drunken man. Why piss yourself off at the lost
winnings that you would otherwise not have if you had not
started betting? Buddy: you know what you want.
Think hard before you make your choices. Once they are
made, accept and live with the consequences. Standing
here regretting like hell isn't doing you any good.
Now let's continue to have some fun."
Obama declared a national H1N1 emergency last Friday night

How will this situation play out? How will the market respond? These should be the short-term questions to ask for market participants.

Also on last Friday night, BCRX received FDA EUA (emergency use authorization) for its intravenous, antiviral H1N1 drug, Peramivir. This drug differs from other prevention vaccines in that it is for treatment for those who got the disease.

I expect BCRX to move significantly higher on this big news comes tomorrow PM. Unfortunately, I have missed this. Against my original plan to get back into BCRX in the early fall, I went deep into SAV instead. Will SVA move higher in a group trend led by BCRX? Will SVA release its own PR(s) that propels it higher? Suppose SVA does move higher, will its gains make up for my missed potential gains in BCRX? Can't wait for Mr. Market to give me answers.
that's the three ETF i have been looking for a few months. 70% is very good. that means you caught most of the up and down.

I am still wondering where is natural gas going now. it went down a lot this year already, and winter is coming...
Watch SVA!!!!!! Get in for a fun and profitable ride!

The official PR has yet to hit the wire but the huge order (5.19M doses) for Panflu.1 is in, released in SVA's website in Chinese.


2009年10月26日,北京科兴生物制品有限公司接获国家工业和信息化部《关于下达甲型H1N1流感疫苗生产计划的通知》,要求北京科兴抓紧组织生 产,于12月12日前保质保量完成519万剂(每剂规格为15微克/0.5毫升)甲型H1N1流感病毒裂解疫苗“盼尔来福.1”的生产任务。


Blatant manipulation of SVA trading

This has been going on since the Sept. news-triggered high of 12.5 but today was particularly blatant. Manipulation or otherwise, Mr. Market is never wrong, only participants' opinions are. I don't argue with Mr. Market. Rather, I take what it has to offer and make my moves accordingly. Seeing manipulation and being unable to beat the big boys, I send in buy orders. On this huge news, they were able to keep a tight lid on the pps. So I added SVAAU and initiated SVADV.

On a separate note, I got off DVAX and ELN just before the big crashes but BAC, MGM and LVS have collectively done my account in. This is WS life, I suppose.

I will stick to the H1N1 story until it plays out and hence SVA. I don't foresee myself changing portfolio in the near future.
Exciting time again for my two hospitality holdings: LVS and MGM

I bought in at much higher levels and added significantly on the way down. It appears the third wave of this year's upward trend started yesterday with the GDP news. Good or bad, there will be a slew of big news hitting the wire over the next few months. While taking the heavy hits were tough, I feel I did not throw out the baby with the bath water in a downward-pressured environment. Let's see if Mr. Market rewards my conviction in the rightful way.

BAC continues to be under political pressures. SVA continues to be badly manipulated. DNDN drifts down with the overall market. I just feel the right triggers will propel these issues higher. When will they come? Hunch tells me they are on their way but no clear idea of the exact timing, most likely at the time of least expected, just like many other things in life!

Very best of lucks!


[FONT=宋体]我是一个住在加拿大的中国人,北京科兴的一个小股东。在谈我个人的几点建议前,先允许我对你们表示最诚挚的祝贺,衷心祝贺你们夜以继日的拼搏得到了丰硕成果[/FONT] --- [FONT=宋体]在短时间内取得了世界上第一个不加辅助剂[/FONT] (adjuvant) [FONT=宋体]一针有效的防御猪流感([/FONT]H1N1[FONT=宋体])疫苗[/FONT]Panflu.1[FONT=宋体],为人类预防一场大瘟疫做出了杰出贡献[/FONT]!

[FONT=宋体]根据世界卫生组织([/FONT]WHO[FONT=宋体])已经公布的资料,[/FONT]H1N1[FONT=宋体]在北半球正大肆蔓延,所造成的死亡率也直线上升。随着气温的下降,有关专家预测其蔓延之势将与日俱增,对人类的威胁正日益严重。全球目前对疫苗的需求远远超过了供应,绝大部分国家只能对高风险人群优先接种。这种态势正是贵公司辉煌成果的用武之时[/FONT] --- [FONT=宋体]挽救人类于大瘟疫蔓延之前![/FONT]



1)[FONT=宋体]在美国市场,卖空是被允许的,也是平衡股价的一个杠杆。但是,[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]没借到股票就卖空并且三天后还不能借到股票交货即[/FONT]naked short selling [FONT=宋体]或[/FONT] failed to deliver[FONT=宋体]([/FONT]FTD[FONT=宋体])[/FONT]short selling[FONT=宋体]是非法的,美国证券交易管理委员会([/FONT]SEC[FONT=宋体])是有明文条款的。贵公司股票被列入[/FONT]FTD [FONT=宋体]已经不是一天两天了。出于维护公司自身及股东的利益,公司有责任和义务向[/FONT]SEC[FONT=宋体]投诉,要求对贵公司股票交易进行调查。这一投诉也是公司的动态,应该正式发布新闻。[/FONT]
2)[FONT=宋体]运作透明化[/FONT] --- a[FONT=宋体])公司到目前为止公布的订单为[/FONT]1149[FONT=宋体]万剂[/FONT]H1N1[FONT=宋体]疫苗,今年底前全部交货。但是,定价是多少盈利率是多少没公布,市场只能猜测,这对股价是极其不利的;[/FONT]b[FONT=宋体])上海季节性流感疫苗[/FONT]Anflu[FONT=宋体]中标的消息为什么不及时公布?[/FONT]c[FONT=宋体])[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]公司目前的[/FONT]H1N1 [FONT=宋体]生产能力究竟是多少,对短时间内扩大生产能力有何计划,跟多少产商有合作生产的意向并正在谈判,向墨西哥出口的进展如何,第三季度的业绩报告什么时候出来?这些消息对股价都是有很大影响的,完全可以以公司公告发布。[/FONT]

一个以股票为副业者是这样炼成的 (续)

[FONT=仿宋体]大概是安顿下来一个礼拜后,Uncle Goerge开始叫我跟他一起看晚上7点PBS的Nightly Business News,这就是我理性接触股票(感性认识是很多年后的事了)的开始,Uncle George自然成了我的股票启蒙导师。[/FONT]

[FONT=仿宋体]Uncle George[/FONT][FONT=仿宋体],犹太人,于第二次世界大战将结束的1944年跟父母从德国移民加拿大,MIT工程博士,自己的金矿开在Yukon Territory,公司的总部则设在温哥华。金矿操作全[/FONT][FONT=仿宋体]自动[/FONT][FONT=仿宋体]机械化,他每礼拜六早上开着越野吉普车去检查一番,礼拜天晚上返回。Aunty Fredda,犹太人,于第二次世界大战结束后的1947年跟父母从波兰移民加拿大,他们家公司的会计兼秘书。[/FONT]

[FONT=仿宋体]股票是Uncle George的副业,赚赔我没问过,但他的敬业是深深印刻在我脑海里的。当时已年过60又是自家公司的老板但每天早上8点像钟一样准确地出门上班,下午5点回家,小睡45分钟,6点开饭,7点看PBS的Nightly Business News,7点半到海边散步,8点半回到家开始做他的股票记录和分析。当时好像还没有现在这样详尽的走向图,他做的和观察的每个股票走向都是他自己在坐标纸小小的格子里记录的。 每个股票都有两张图,一张是交易价格走向,另一张是交易量走向,竖着对在一起。多次给我看还耐心地给我讲,但我看起来听起来就像天书,陪他看PBS的Nightly Business News也就是练练听英语而已,绝大部分都听不懂。虽然不懂,但他的图表却像有魔力一样深深地吸引着我,这大概就是与生俱来的骨子里的“赌性”开始萌发了吧?[/FONT]

[FONT=仿宋体]日历翻到了1985年的9月,短短的两个月英语培训一转眼就结束了。惜别了有如父母的Uncle George和Aunty Fredda,我们一行7人飞到了加东海滨重镇Halifax,开始了Dalhousie大学的MBA学业。六门功课且英语不好而有5门课的老师不是印度来的就是南美来的。跟培训时老师们播音员般的发音相比,那些浓重的口音听起来实在是外语中的外语。现在回头想,要不是当时年纪轻且富有不知天高地厚的“神圣使命感”,肯定吃不消顶不住的。[/FONT]


[FONT=仿宋体]现在回头想,当时的压力真是大得恐怖, 如能再来一次,就是借我3个胆,我想我也不敢那样玩命了。还好,总算熬过来了,在奖学金过期前一个月的1987年7月底交上了论文,学位也在8月底拿到了手。[/FONT]

[FONT=仿宋体]每个人的身上都有些与生俱来的东西,很难彻底磨灭掉的。在一定的时间地点环境下,它们可能受到某种程度的忽略甚至完全的压抑,但只要时间地点环境合适,它们是会自觉不自觉地冒出来的。自在Uncle George家初识股票后,即使硕士期间那样紧迫的期限和繁重的学业也没有迫使我放弃对股票的关注,时不时地对市场走向入迷,虽然仅是纸上谈兵、对空挥拳! [/FONT]


[FONT=宋体]那是[/FONT]1991[FONT=宋体]年,新当选不久的[/FONT]Nova Scotia[FONT=宋体]保守党省政府决定推行私有化政策,把有些省属企业([/FONT]Crown Corporations[FONT=宋体])公开上市。省属发电厂([/FONT]Nova Power[FONT=宋体])是被选为第一批上市的企业之一。按当时的规定,每个成年居民可以在上市前认购[/FONT]2000[FONT=宋体]股,每股[/FONT]2[FONT=宋体]块。我们夫妻可以认购共[/FONT]4000[FONT=宋体]股。得到这个消息后,着实冲动了好几天,连怎么认购的程序都到银行打听清楚了。一切都准备就绪了,就等和孩子妈妈商量得到同意后开户认购了。结果没戏,她不同意。努力劝说了几次,还是没戏,只好拉倒做罢。[/FONT]

Nova Power[FONT=宋体]是[/FONT]1992[FONT=宋体]年初在多伦多开盘的,开盘价[/FONT]35[FONT=宋体]左右吧,后来几个月升到了[/FONT]50[FONT=宋体]上下。刚开盘交易时关注了一段时间,后来就再没看了。我与理论上股市的第一桶金也就这样擦肩而过了。[/FONT]
Amazing you had the opportunity to Nova Power so early ... I believe having children reading Buffett's letters a few times when they are in college is a must ...