精华 苦辣酸甜难书尽,成败得失笑谈中

Amazing you had the opportunity to Nova Power so early ... I believe having children reading Buffett's letters a few times when they are in college is a must ...

What you or I believe in or what opportunities Mr. Market has presented us doesn't mean squat! At the end of the day, what matters is that Mr. Market is full of millons of participants each and every day or if you or I have the vision and courage to grab what Mr. Market presents! I also had the opportunity to own NT (BNR when I first arrived in Ottawa) around 2.5 or JDS around 1.5 or RIMM around 10 --- all before many forward splits! What matters is that I did not grab those opportunities under the circumstances. I also had the opportunity to own DNDN at 2.7 just this year. I did grab the opportunity but I sold my May 10 calls after a double in 3 days when DNDN was trading in the low 4's in early April. It is all water under the bridge!!!!!!!

There is only one Buffett, one Livermore, one Lynch, one Graham, dude! And that kind of positions is already occupied long before you or me. Grand vision is great but obssession with big names without actual actions will get one nowhere. Mind trading is fun but one's blood boils and breathing fastens only when he/she puts money on the table.

As of today, I can tell you that my portfolio value has declined over 50% since the peak reached in mid-September. Does it bother me? You bet, it does bother me like hell! But when one plays with house money, one feels less pressure. Further, my trunk is loaded with SVA Jan. and April call options at 7.5, 10 and 12.5. All I need is SVA to move up a couple of points and I will laugh all the way to the bank but I firmly believe it will move upwards far more than a mere two or three points. Let me give out a bold prediction: SVA will move upwards very violently before next April and as soon as next week. I feel great about SVA partly because the co announced it is moving from AMEX to NASDAQ listing just three weeks after I sent in one of my suggestions --- whether management takes in my suggestion is moot but the point is their train of thought is alligned with mine!

Again, I very much appreciate your grand vision and your thorough analysis. But frankly, your obssesssion with big names like Buffett or Fairfax is way beyond me. Best of luck to you!

1991-92[FONT=宋体]年全加月平均失业率高达[/FONT]15% [FONT=宋体]以上,我是生不逢时、毕业不逢时,大学很少雇人,我当教授的梦当时是无论如何也没法实现的,现在更不可能了。极度幸运的是,学界泰山北斗般的恩师在政界也识人无数,几通电话下来,我没接受面试,我们全家的饭碗就有了着落。实际上我的奖学金还有一年才到期,并且因跟多重身份的恩师(兼雇主同事好友)处得极好,我当时是极度舍不得离开学校的。他老人家当时语重心长的劝告是“[/FONT]You can’t be a student for life even if you are the best. The best time to look for a job is when you don’t need one! Now, take your family to Ottawa and report to work, with no hesitation or reservation whatsoever[FONT=宋体]!”插一句:位列门墙[/FONT]5[FONT=宋体]年的恩师是影响我这辈子最大的第二个男人,为人处事治学皆然,第一位毫无疑问属于生我养我的老爸![/FONT]

1992[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]10[FONT=宋体]月论文还没答辩,开着[/FONT]Uhaul[FONT=宋体]租来的卡车,拖着自己的烂车,载着破烂的家具和心爱的老婆孩子,横穿[/FONT]New Brunswick[FONT=宋体]及[/FONT]Quebec[FONT=宋体],举家东迁渥太华,还没安顿好就上班了。[/FONT]


You have come across many opportunities. I am sure you will come across more in the future. It is great that you are open with your commitments.

I like to swing too. It is just that I don't recognize SVA as an opportunity at this point. It may sky rocket as you mentioned. However, I haven't recognized it yet as a next elephant. Just my limitation ...

I think WFC is worth $100 in the next 10 years and I have a commitment there. It is rather plain. Of course, nothing is for sure but the chance is realistic.

I am looking into Central Pacific bank at this point. This is rather tricky and may turn out to be nothing....
I sent you an email on a bio situation that might be of interest. Please take a look and respond to my email ...
I sent you an email on a bio situation that might be of interest. Please take a look and respond to my email ...

Replied to your email on TSPT with my thought. H1N1 is real and won't go away tomorrow or the day after!















到如今,咫尺天涯,锦书难托。痛饮狂歌,唱不尽惊天泣鬼的千种惆怅;词百联千,书不穷刻骨铭心的万般无奈!缘乎? 份乎?命乎?不!不!!不!!!举杯邀月,嫦娥应笑我 --- 痴?纵张口即诵、下笔成章,怎敌那名车没买、豪宅未置,还有那破衣烂裤、缠身债几多!

烟灭酒酣,联尽词穷,罢,罢,罢!说再见,太沉重: 别了,心中的香格里拉。此去,关山万里,几许茫然?宇宙无穷,“谁悲失路之人”;盈虚有数,“尽是他乡之客”。 鸣呼!珍重珍重再珍重,愿无风雨也无晴!
Come on. Jia's Chinese poems and articles are pretty good.

We should at least respect each other. I think this is the basic protocol here.
Sinovac: a diamond mine or disaster mountain?

Boys and girls:

SVA has enjoyed steady climbs over the last few days. Nov. 16 is a game changer: it graduates from Amex to Nasdaq on or about Nov. 16; and the 3QER CC is at 9am, Nov. 16. As the PPS and trading volume rises, more and more traders will get in and out. As such, volatility will surely increase. Answer to my question in the heading will be given in a few days or more importantly, over the longer term.

I loaded most of my January or April options when the PPS was low- to mid-7's and now am enjoying some handsome paper profits. I regard these as house money and plan to let them ride.


水调歌头 --- 2007中秋夜,为前女朋友填


I can't figure out SVA. Next Monday's presentation is a tradable event and I took a look at November $10 call but passed a few days ago.

The crisis of H1N1 in China certainly plays into SVA's hand ...
I can't figure out SVA. Next Monday's presentation is a tradable event and I took a look at November $10 call but passed a few days ago.

The crisis of H1N1 in China certainly plays into SVA's hand ...

I don't get into stuff if I can't figure it out. I was debating if I should get into SVA November 10 calls last Thursday at 0.05 as a lottery ticket. I finally decided against getting 200 for $1K as I could not emotionally afford another wipe out, even if just $1K. At today's close, that call would have been a 10-bagger and it is going higher comes tomorrow.

Since the big ARNA loss, I have stayed away from front month options.

Once China's H1N1 vaccine demand can be met by all producers, SVA will be able to export and that is when the PPS will really take off.

As of today, SVA makes and sells: Healive, Bilive, Anflu, Panflu (H5N1), and Panflu.1 (H1N1, world's first to market). I am treating Monday's CC as an information clarity opportunity rather than a trading event. But if the PPS skyrockets, I will sell some Jan. calls. I really don't want to sell any this year as my tax liability is already rather heavy but if I know the PPS is going to decline in advance, I will surely sell a portion.

Here are my SVA holdings, all up handsomely. I have sold the shares for a small profit.

SVAAU (1.72)
- SVAMU (1.63)
SVADB (1.27)
SVADV (0.82)

SVAAU and SVADV are my heavy holdings (rather significant number of options). I don't want to be a Monday morning quarterback but I am very confident these holdings will make me a boatload of cash come OE days if I can hold them until then.
SVA: What is in store Monday and thereafter?

Two monstrous events simultaneously: Nasdaq debut and 3QER! How will Mr. Market react? Can the performance of CAGC uplisting be repeated? Monday will tell all! Here is how CAGC perfromed moving from OTCBB to Nasdaq on September 21.


There was a combination of factors in play yesterday that destroyed the steady rising pattern and caused the extreme volatility:

1) Rumours had it that two H1N1 vaccinated people died, cause unexplained;

2) SVA registered with the SEC to trade on Nasdaq and at the same time delist from AMEX.

Big boys monged FUD over the death rumour and the share registration as shell registration and effected a violent stop loss harvest.

Anticipating a shakeout of some sort during the course of trading yesterday, I grounded myself firmly. Being fully loaded, I did not take advantage of the nosedive to add on the cheap. The only thing I did was swapping some SVAAU (7.5 calls) for SVAAB (10 calls).

Positions are taken, can't wait until Monday to judge if I am brilliantly right or deadly wrong!
1) Rumours had it that two H1N1 vaccinated people died, cause unexplained

that happened in China, since it happened in China, I guess SVA will be fine.


“想下礼拜一day trade SVA,你认为什么价买、什么价卖好呀?”



“在cfc读了一些你的帖子,觉得你对制药的股票很有研究,想问一下你从哪里能知道制药公司的产品将被fda approve 的时间表?”





“想下礼拜一day trade SVA,你认为什么价买、什么价卖好呀?”



“在cfc读了一些你的帖子,觉得你对制药的股票很有研究,想问一下你从哪里能知道制药公司的产品将被fda approve 的时间表?”




