精华 苦辣酸甜难书尽,成败得失笑谈中

DNDN will most likely be a memorable stock for 2010 coming May 1st. Personally, I think the manipulation won't have much power at this point unless there are a large number of greedy but timid traders around.

ITMN should also be significant on May 4th.

Congratulations on finding the two wars worth fighting for !
DNDN will most likely be a memorable stock for 2010 coming May 1st. Personally, I think the manipulation won't have much power at this point unless there are a large number of greedy but timid traders around.

ITMN should also be significant on May 4th.

Congratulations on finding the two wars worth fighting for !

Thanks! You haven't followed DNDN long enough. Manipulation has been blatant and rampant ever since MG walked out of the partnership talk in 2005, sometimes for 1.5 minutes but the pps dropped from 24 to 8 with millions of shares changing hands (last April); other times for months continuously and the pps suffered gradual and steady declines. Don't ever under-estimate the power of WS deep-pocketed big boys. They have not only deep pockets but also mouthpiece. They are not only street savvy but also psychological masters. It takes hardwork, conviction and patience, and above all, steel balls, to participate in this issue. At this point, I don't think they manipulate to kill the company, which was the case previously. Rather, it is deployed to gain cheap entries. I am a little retail participant. The big boys decide the outcome of the war. Can't beat them but I will try my hardest to join them (very risky indeed but fun too).
AIG battles ahead: Hank vs UBS

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, a former CEO and a big insider sells with a 20% discount to a deep-pocketed market manipulating institution, very interesting emergence indeed. Why wait until Friday market close to file? Evidence of another OE operation to perfection. Will UBS dump for an instant big profit? Was UBS already short and covered with this acquisition? How will it hedge this acquisition? Questions, questions, questions. And only Mr. Market will give answers. Fun to watch the heavy weights battle with a little stake involved.
More details are emerging out of the Hank vs UBS share deal

But the water remains as murky as this morning when I first read the news. I am simply not able to call a direction of pps movements in the next few days. This deal takes days to digest given Hank's AIG CEO experience and his knowledge of its operations as well as his recent deposition with NY AG Cuomo. It is safe to say that more and more stories will come out in the days ahead. I am cancelling my GTC sell order.
Two friendly advices on DNDN in the days/weeks ahead

I expect volatility in DNDN to surge, rumours and FUD's (fear, uncertainty and doubt) among the mix. If you have taken your position after your own DD, the following are two heart-felt advices, drawing from my own painful wipeout. It may not suit everybody but let me spit out anyway:

1) Don't be on margin. It was margin that did me in in 2007. The brokerage doesn't even need your knowledge/permission to liquidate your positions at market price under the terms of agreement you have signed for a margin account.

2) Don't have stop loss orders in. Trading in DNDN from 12:58:30 to 1PM April 28, 2009, a duration of 1.5 minutes, witnessed the most spectacular "stop loss harvest" I have ever experienced in the market. In case of a volatile stock, stop loss orders are doing nothing good but begging for the position to be harvested on the cheap.
The beginning of the end of the American Empire

Democrats won and Obamacare passed, USA inching another step towards socialism. Keenly interested in seeing the immediate, mid-term and long-term market implications.
延安特急电报 --- just for the fun of it





华北向前:你部面临小股敌人持续骚扰且来势凶凶、火力猛烈更后援不断。到目前为止,连续丢失制高点,死伤过多,元气有待恢复,不宜再正面交火。请休整部队保存实力并巩固工事,待“空军”后援抵达后,全面反攻。时机有待商定,我们初定4月19日拂晓。如有变动,不必请示 --- 将在外,君令有所不受!
各路统帅电令如次 --- for the fun of it again, haha





Jia, 很想听听你有关ITMN的研究心得。

DNDN战况简报: 从BAC, MDVN和AMLN撤下的残兵游勇增援阵地, 顺利抢占无名高地, 虽然争夺惨烈, 但我军士气高昂, 无名高地鸣金前得以稳守, 敌军有秩序地后退, 待明日击鼓再发起进攻

LVS阵地简报: 趁昨日大胜的余威, 我军今早一听号角就对敌人阵地发起猛烈的进攻, 排山倒海之势锐不可挡, 催枯拉朽如入无人之境, 几分钟内推进数公里, 顺利占领无名高地. 无奈, 友军贪小利不顾大义, 没有将胜勇追穷寇而是主动撤退, 致使昨日所得的无名高地反复几度被敌军抢回. 直到下午鸣金前几分钟得大军增援才得以收复昨天抢占的无名高地. 部队可能需要休整几日.

AIG前线简报: 敌军数日来有秩序地后退了三公里, 军心已经涣散, 呈大败势. 但下午赶来大部队增援, 夺回了不少失地. 目前形势不明, 宜观测后再定攻退方略

ITMN战役简报: 敌军依然小股部队活动但火力异常凶猛, 我军连日来屡失无名高地, 抢占两险滩的两个先头敢死空降营已死伤绝大多数, 溃不成军. 此役堪忧, 只能准备弹药待来日再战
DNDN: The enemy is surrounded but the area is shrouded by heavy fog that won't lift till sunrise in May. Other forces are trying very hard to seal up possible leaks. Everything indicates the enemy is weak but low probability event is still possible given the weather conditions.

ITMN: Not enough work is done on the enemy situation and very risky trying to fight the battle now.

AIG, LVS: Enemy deployment is too complicated. Need to be prepared for protracted fight ...
DNDN: The enemy is surrounded but the area is shrouded by heavy fog that won't lift till sunrise in May. Other forces are trying very hard to seal up possible leaks. Everything indicates the enemy is weak but low probability event is still possible given the weather conditions.

ITMN: Not enough work is done on the enemy situation and very risky trying to fight the battle now.

AIG, LVS: Enemy deployment is too complicated. Need to be prepared for protracted fight ...

DNDN: 司令部急令,密集火力连续发起猛烈进攻,礼拜五鸣金前夺取40号高地,然后向纵深挺进,稳固工事。本独立旅接令:今天增兵两个加强排充当敢死队,抢占38和39号碉堡。



Just for fun

DNDN: 司令部急令,密集火力连续发起猛烈进攻,礼拜五鸣金前夺取40号高地,然后向纵深挺进,稳固工事。本独立旅接令:今天增兵两个加强排充当敢死队,抢占38和39号碉堡。




DNDN: A device converting copper into gold is showing positive results. However, the rate of conversion is unknown. After all, a $1 Billion check being cashed at rate of $1 per year is very different from a $1 Billion cashier's check. Armies of regular soldiers, bandits, rag-tag's, farmers etc etc are surrounding DNDN in expectation of a huge spoil. Some of these soldiers, especially rag-tags and bandits, are selling blood in order to raise ammunition. Most of them only have food till Mid May. If the spoil turns out to be small, or the strong regular armies decide to hold the spoils for a month, many of the red-eyed soldiers will fall ...

LVS: Very good at inventing temptations that are resistable to commons. Good at inventing slogans like "Spend more and Save more" etc. Camouflage is its specialty.

AIG: Recently adopted by the emperor and protected by royal army. Very brave for anyone to fight against it. Courage definitely outweighs intelligence for the challengers.

ITMN: Another device invented for turning copper into gold. Still being examined to determine how fast the conversion rate is ... Armies of soldiers are gathering for May decision...
DNDN: A device converting copper into gold is showing positive results. However, the rate of conversion is unknown. After all, a $1 Billion check being cashed at rate of $1 per year is very different from a $1 Billion cashier's check. Armies of regular soldiers, bandits, rag-tag's, farmers etc etc are surrounding DNDN in expectation of a huge spoil. Some of these soldiers, especially rag-tags and bandits, are selling blood in order to raise ammunition. Most of them only have food till Mid May. If the spoil turns out to be small, or the strong regular armies decide to hold the spoils for a month, many of the red-eyed soldiers will fall ...

LVS: Very good at inventing temptations that are resistable to commons. Good at inventing slogans like "Spend more and Save more" etc. Camouflage is its specialty.

AIG: Recently adopted by the emperor and protected by royal army. Very brave for anyone to fight against it. Courage definitely outweighs intelligence for the challengers.

ITMN: Another device invented for turning copper into gold. Still being examined to determine how fast the conversion rate is ... Armies of soldiers are gathering for May decision...

I love this fun very much. You are finally getting out of your Buffett attachment (sorry but you are no buffett and it doesn't appear that you possess what makes a Buffett) and into some fun in life! Way to go, my friend! I want to turn rocks, not copper, into gold, and the flip side is I shall lose my shirt and underwear! I take it any day of the light but am willing to take no light of the day!

If memory serves me correctly, there was one day upon which DNDN and WFC were at exactly the same price. I posted about it and stated publically what would happen. I lost big time on my WFC puts as well as calls (both because of panic actions). Let me give you this bold prediction: DNDN's pps will be at 4-digit (leave alone forward splits) in 10 years conditional on Provenge gaining market lisensure this May as opposed to WFC's never breaking out of a 3-digit pps! DNDN will go directly into BK if Provenge is denied full approval again and I am willing to end my WS participation with it! It is a point of no return. I am pretty close to all in --- again! Anything else is bullshitting.

I was about to take my nap but feel compelled to respond immediately after reading your fun post. I shall do that after my response.

Life is about a game/fight one believes in. OK, let me leave the philosophical aspects out (we may talk that over a drink, conditional on that we cross that milestone) and cut to the bones. Right or wrong, one has to move in Mr. Market according to his/her DD. More often than not, I am wrong and that was why I suffered two catastrophies and a major setback. So what? I never view street profits as my own, to begin with. Further, it is only money anyway. Even furthermore, it takes money to make money. Get out of the kitchen if one cannot stand the heat. WS games are never designed for the risk averse. GIC is way better for those mentally lazy. Black-swan events are rare but they do indeed take place. The issue is not whether or not they happen but what to do if and when they do happen. Hedging is the only good way to survive WS long run but that is not what I want. I prefer Livermore/Lynch to Buffett at each and every sunrise --- do or die to slow growth/death! Catalysts and trends, my friend, catalysts and trends! In WS, Mr. Market is the only judge of being right or wrong --- one's brokerage account gets balanced at the closing prices each and every day, nothing more nothing less, be that short- or long-term! Every book we read teaches us to avoid greed/fear, even those by the masters, yet that is exactly what WS is all about, at least in the short run. Life is a game and it is going to end for all of us sooner or later. Be a player and get into the actions or not --- a personal choice! Fence-sitting never gets anyone anywhere (95% of the populace and unfortunately, I am an outlier under a normal distribution). I live and make my moves in what I believe in.

What makes true friendship is not what we share in common. Rather, it is what we differ yet we can accomodate our differences! Viewpoint differences enrish while similarity spoils. Not all great minds think the same. DNDN is my game changer (because of a binary event) whiile LVS is my immediate money printer (steady). You are welcomed to short both but our friendship is done if you ever bash them again. I hold them very dearly to my heart and in my brokerage account. I put stocks my good friends call and vice versa, yet we remain good friends because we think/feel differently but we never bash each other's position.

又及: 今天撤离AIG前线,增援DNDN36号和37号碉堡。Fought the hardest with myself not to sell LVS。新开两个阵地MGM和MPEL,先谴队已深入敌境探险,得到报告后再决定攻退方略,储备部队为两个加强连。