精华 苦辣酸甜难书尽,成败得失笑谈中


你是什麼心胸?還是見不得人家好?????????憑什麼去批評別人,這是你的程度...hahahahaha...get out far away from him,, 不要惹他/她!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

你是什麼心胸?還是見不得人家好?????????憑什麼去批評別人,這是你的程度...hahahahaha...get out far away from him,, 不要惹他/她!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






4)非常感谢你帮我存了我的老帖子并贴上来!岁月似箭、往事如烟呐。那贴是在我股海翻船后为转移注意力而吟诗填词对联养花侃酒而开的。那些陪玩的水准不配又患有红眼病,看不得、受不了敏捷的才思、飞扬的文采、干云的豪气和张狂的霸气,所以老子玩了一阵子后就不玩了。如果没记错,你好像连一首诗、一厥词都没和过,半幅对联也没对过嘛! 会吗?不会又是个“子不如我、父不如我”,跟中国人说会英语、跟老外说会中文的主吧?前阵子机子被病毒感染重新装了操作系统,原来存的被洗了,正在想怎么可以弄回来呢。得来全不费功夫,多谢了!
Welcome to the new houses of gaming!

Shit! Too tied up with work to have the fun of witnessing a short squeeze in the hospitality sector! Lucky or what have you, I picked up some MGM May 14 calls the last couple of days after selling my April deep-in-the-money calls quite some time ago and day traded it last Monday. Wow, that was really sweet, huh? UBS' downgrade of LVS yesterday created a great buying opportunity and I indeed picked up some May 25 and 26 calls. Too busy to pick up more this morning. Anyway, welcome to the new houses of gaming. LVS and MGM have a lot more to offer than mere gaming! Can this small-scale short squeeze last for days/weeks? I remain keenly interested and my calls vote a resounding YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Selling for a quick double in these? That is a NO NO NO! When you have something good, run with it! Knowing when to be fearful and when to be greedy is key to market performance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DNDN: the writing is on the wall!

Hans Bishop, Ian Clark, Pedro Granadillo, and Varun Nanda have in recent months joined the ranks, two in the board and two in the executive chairs. Who are these people, you may ask? Well, I dare to say that these are distinguished BIOTECH ROCKSTARS! Run a google search and find out where they have been and what they have achieved. Then ask a question, "why do these top guns join DNDN?" Read behind the silent lines, more often than not, silence is deafening!

念奴娇(*)-贺DNDN Provenge获FDA批准上市

日历翻到五月三 (1),人类福音天降!狄恩狄恩(2),街传是当今一大疯牛!成量渐增,价位逐涨,屡屡创新高。蝴蝶纷飞,吓破多少鼠胆 (3)。

追忆零七零五 (4),神药未获批,冤鬼频添。晴天霹雳,旦夕间巨产突变重债(5)。山河重拾,终将再现我往日风采!人生如戏,股事安能例外?

* --- 受词格限制,言犹未尽
1 --- 2010年5月3日
2 --- DNDN
3 --- 2010年3月19日期权到期,为让多权作废并配合振仓低价吸筹,有人16、17连续两天卖出4800个4月定价30元的空权、卖出4800个4月定价20元的空权并同时买入9600个4月定价25元的空权(一个合同代表一百股),摆出一副熊态蝴蝶架势。一时洛阳纸贵,空家喉舌竞相报道,大加渲染,不少散户被振出局
4 --- 2007年5月
5 --- 药没获批的公告2007年5月9日早晨7点发布,我10日早上在没接到通知的情况下被TDWaterhouse清仓
Is there going to be a trifecta tomorrow?

In AH, both CSX (transportation) and INTC (tech) beat handsomely. Can JPM (bank) offer the last piece for a trifecta? In addition, a boatload of economic data are on tap. Can't wait until market opens! Expect powerful and fun short squeezes in those fundamentally/technically strong yet hugely shorted issues.
JPM strong Q out

How will the market react to this trifecta (CSX, INTC and JPM) of great ERs? Make your bet!

The OE bull-bear fight in DNDN is again wagered, with a Citi downgrade. It was bear butterflies last OE, a downgrade this OE. Life in DNDN surely never gets boring! My bet is Citi has clients who are either short and want to cover or want to buy. I am buying more.
Holy smoke!

Just came home and checked the news. The entire hospitality sector is tanking and tanking hard, likely triggered by MGM pre-announced loss due to CC charges. It is better to be lucky than good, huh? I sold my free LVS April 24 calls a couple of days ago and MGM May 14 calls early in the afternoon for a quick double. Still holding a lot of free LVS and MGM May calls. Way overreactions, buying opportunities!
I have bought my last batch of DNDN and ITMN today

This is the last OE to endure before the PDUFA dates. No idea what game players want to do in the next two days. Nothing will surprise me when there is that much of money on the line. Analyst downgrade or upgrade did not seem to do much to the pps at all. I have given up any attempt to time Mr. Market. I am as confident that DNDN will gain market licensure as that ITMN will receive a CRL requesting additional trial data. These two are big bets, hoping I am right on both fronts. In case of being wrong, I am fully prepared to live in the doghouse for the next several years to come. After all, a man has to act in the way he sees things. That said, I have to admit that I am feeling somewhat nervous going into the FDA's rulings.

Best of luck to all!