精华 苦辣酸甜难书尽,成败得失笑谈中

What a week!

Would love to have a repeat next week, the week after and after and after...... save BAC, a big dog! A man is entitled to dream, after all, huh?

Added to my bio/medical collection today is APPY: 40 May 5 calls@0.45 and -30 May puts @1.6 (I opened the series at the bid) and 2K shares @3.76 in AH. Hope I am not too late to the APPY party! APPY is touted as this year's DNDN/HGSI/OGXI (the bio stories of last year, I missed the latter two; this year's big stories included ITMN and DCTH thus far, I missed the former; there have been many blowups too and I was lucky to avoid them all). Yours truly surely hope so! Many bio/medical stories are yet to be written in the remaining of the year. Yours truly have some of the tickets to be part of that, good or bad! Let's see if it is my banner year.

ASCO is forthcoming and as usual, there will be a sectoral rotation into bio/medical. The key is to spot the diamonds amidst the rougs.

Anxiously looking forward to next week!

Nice weekend, everyone!
APPY: For an interesting read if you happen to have an eye on it

I caught it last Wed. chatting with a DNDN co-holder as we are all trying to put part of the profits to work somewhere. I hesitated for two days and ended up paying about 20-25% higher. I only intend to share here, nothing more, nothing less.

As part of DD, the following SeekingAlpha article is a pretty nice starting point:

What to do? What to do?? What to do???

I am getting unusually and unprecedentedly anxious and nervous for the next two weeks and at loss of what to do! More so than back in May 2007 awaiting the FDA's ruling on Provenge. Is this an age thing?

All these happenings are concentrated in a mere span of two weeks:

LVS MBS soft opening on April 27th;

DNDN PDUFA on May 1st;

ITMN PDUFA on May 4th;

APPY data release expected within the next two weeks and 501(k) filing shortly afterwards; and

LVS and MGM 1QER's expected around May 5th-6th.

Too much on the plate to chew? What to do? Ponder! Ponder some more!! And ponder even some more!!!

Here is the latest picture of the $5.5B MBS:

Games on!

1) Dendreonmania may pull the immunotherapy space much higher like it did April last year. I am looking to buy a few shares of other companies in the space in PM trading tomorrow for tandem trading;

2) MBSmania may pull the IR (integrated resort) space much higher. I am already fully loaded with LVS and MGM. No need to add but when to cash in the chips is the prime question I have pondered over and over;

3) The banking space remains a big unknown given the uncertain forward-looking picture of the financial reform bill. This will get settled one way or another soon and I am predicting that BAC will make a new 52-week high before May OE, just like what the healthcare reform bill did to the medical/biotech space. What Mr. Market hates the most is the uncertainty. Get it done over with, boys and girls, so that Mr. Market has a dicrection in which to work on.

Time to take a hotwater bath after a wonderful bike ride and seeing the magnificent magnolia in the Central Experimental Farm and a glass of cool gin! Ready to cook myself a good dinner and have a good sleep before the PM bell wakes me up tomorrow.
在大事即将来临之际,贴上我最欣赏的长联 --- 昆明滇池大观楼联,与同志者共勉!



For good or bad, I long/call DNDN, LVS, MGM, BAC, APPY and short/put ITMN. I am adding one bio in the immunotherapy space tomorrow PM. They are all one directional bets as of now but maybe by Wed/Thurs I will have insurance in place for them. And I am not obligated to report every single trade I make. Mr. Market/my brokerage account will be the only judge making the call if I am right or wrong. I am in these for a kill or bust and soon!

Following my leads or not is entire your choice. The key is to buy early and buy low. But buying at the pivotal point can be much more profitable! Time is also a key element in investing/speculating! A few of my successful trades thus far prove that the most successful trades are the ones that show a paper profit immediately after the entry (e.g., DCTH turned out to be a 20-bagger for me in less than two months but I did not buy it at 1.5 or 2. Rather, I bought it around 6 after a good run and some pullbacks), not necessarily those bought at the bottom!

It is your money and keep it in the left pocket!
Great day! I did not sell anything but bought AGEN as planned!

Being really tempted to swing trade today but reframed myself from being over-trading, which only benefits TradeFreedom. I don't cry over the fact that I did not sell at the top and buy back at the bottom today. I am not a good trader, being able to sell at the top and buy at the bottom in any given day. More often than not, I play the trend and am being a contrarian at times.

Bought 4K AGEN averaged at 1.25 PM today as planned, paying significantly higher than in the regular session but hey, what else can a moonlighter do?

全球股市都跌!PIG (Portugal, Irland and Greece) 这个题材今年炒了多少次了?为什么昨天S&P对希腊的国债降级?财政部这两天又要卖大量的国债了!每次两三天后股市都上一个新的台阶。不才断定这次也不例外,所以,昨天是一个建/补多仓、减空仓的好机会。储备现金用完了,只能在收盘前几分钟卖ITMN的空权加DNDN和MGM的多权,没来得及在APPY跌回4时加仓。
OMG, BIDU is over 710!

Never had the guts to own it but keep an eye on it for reading the search engine space. The best time to own it would have been when GOOG was to pull out of China (around 430 if memory serves me right). Debated about it and decided to let it go. Wow, that is amazing! Congratulations if you own it!
HP to buy out PALM at around 5.7 apiece

But AH trading over shot that price! PALM caught my attention a couple of weeks ago amidst the buyout talk and the volatile trading. Too busy with other stuff to get any PALM.

Congratulations if you own any!
U.S. FDA clears Dendreon's prostate cancer vaccine. DNDN trade is even stopped.

You earned it. Congratulations!
April 29, 2010 is a milestone that marks an end and a beginning!

An end of a nearly 3-year unnecessary wait and a beginning of a new era in which late-stage prostate cancer is no longer a death sentence! I say a big heart-felt THANK-YOU to DNDN employees and trial participants and I sincerely congratulate the entire DNDN community --- employees, PC patients and their families and investors!

Tears are unstoppably rolling down my cheeks as I am writing this post. My involvement in DNDN has been way more than an investment, it has been a long 5-year life since I first got in 2005. Finally, the DNDN saga has come to an end and a new chapter is about to start. The first treatment will be given Monday. Thinking back about the goings I went through in the past five years, there is no way I can stop crying! I got the news that trading was halted by a phone call from a friend and DNDN co-holder. The monetary reward is sweet but what is more emotionally gratifying is that I have a hand in the writing of a medical milestone in history. I am humbled and can't write any further. Let me close this psot by reposting the poem I wrote in the anticipation, with the approval day changed.

念奴娇(*)-贺DNDN Provenge获FDA批准上市

日历翻到四二九(1),人类福音天降!狄恩狄恩(2),街传是当今一大疯牛!成量渐增,价位逐涨,屡屡创新高。蝴蝶纷飞,吓破多少鼠胆 (3)。

追忆零七零五 (4),神药未获批,冤鬼频添。晴天霹雳,旦夕间巨产突变重债(5)。山河重拾,终将再现我往日风采!人生如戏,股事安能例外?

* --- 受词格限制,言犹未尽
1 --- 2010年4月29日
2 --- DNDN
3 --- 2010年3月19日期权到期,为让多权作废并配合振仓低价吸筹,有人16、17连续两天卖出4800个4月定价30元的空权、卖出4800个4月定价 20元的空权并同时买入9600个4月定价25元的空权(一个合同代表一百股),摆出一副熊态蝴蝶架势。一时洛阳纸贵,空家喉舌竞相报道,大加渲染,不少 散户被振出局
4 --- 2007年5月
5 --- 药没获批的公告2007年5月9日早晨7点发布,我10日早上在没接到通知的情况下被TDWaterhouse清仓

I can't help congratulating you on DNDN. This is a break-through milestone in medical industry and probably marks the beginning of a stream of new drugs. The contribution to the welfare of human beings can't be measured in monetary terms.