Pheonix just increased its prices sharply at Kanata Lakes started from Feb. 2, 2010.[/quotes]
(2) Though it is not a quiet place if the window is opened, the view it offer is not matched by others. Comparing with Richcraft charging you 80k to face to a dead pond, Phoenix only charges you 15k to have an open view from hill.
你是愿意对着三条SPEED LIMIT在60到80公里的主要干道(Richardson Side Road, Kanata Ave, Terry Fox Drive), 对面是Carp Dump山丘的Good View呢?还是愿意对着一个更靠近大自然的, 无比安静的,偶尔有小鸟飞过,野鸭游过的Dead Pond呢? 我选择后者.
另外, Richcraft在Kizell Pond背对"Dead Pond"的Lot的Premium没有您说的8万那么多, 是2万左右.8万Premium的Lot是有, 但是那是超大Size外加Pre-Blasted Outdoor Pool的.
楼主买了Phoenix的房子, 唱好这个Site是应该的, 但是也不要质疑买Kizell Pond的广大群众的智商好吗?
以上纯属调侃, 不要生气.:)
Richardson Side road will be closed. When Terry Fox drive extends, then the traffic on Kanata Avenue should be reduced. So it will not be that bad as you predicted.
From Kizell Pond, you can not have the open view, but still within the radar area of Camp Dump smell.
I respect the intelligence of people who bought in the Kanata Restates(? Phase I), which has 100K increase in 2 years.
For people who buy in Kizell Pond like you, I admire because they are definitely "不差钱"!