团购:Phoenix Kanata Lake Heritage Hills 的新房

嘿嘿! 一群刚注册的马甲不停的骂RICHCRAFT无耻. 但是又不肯说怎么个无耻法. 曰: 只能悄悄话. 联想到这个坛子的贴子. 不能不让人浮想联篇啊...
又要开始争吵?Kanata Lakes 马上就要成为 Chinese Lakes 了,还没入住就开始互相挤兑争吵?

嘿嘿! 一群刚注册的马甲不停的骂RICHCRAFT无耻. 但是又不肯说怎么个无耻法. 曰: 只能悄悄话. 联想到这个坛子的贴子. 不能不让人浮想联篇啊...

Could you find out where is the bus stop? Will it go into the little community?

I never like to live in a street with public bus. But definitely wish there is a bus passing by Kanata Ave ->Terry Fox ->417, with an opposite direction of the current route 68 within the community. It's a headache to know it takes 20 minutes for the 68 from there to Eagleson P&R.
又要开始争吵?Kanata Lakes 马上就要成为 Chinese Lakes 了,还没入住就开始互相挤兑争吵?


特有意思,原先嘲笑俺们搬进china lake的同学,最近都跟着入住或即将入住china town了:D

Most of them made this decision for convenience purposes, with one of the spouses working in Kanata area. Quite a lot with none of the couples working around Kanata have moved to Behaven, Riverside south or Orleans.
I never like to live in a street with public bus. But definitely wish there is a bus passing by Kanata Ave ->Terry Fox ->417, with an opposite direction of the current route 68 within the community. It's a headache to know it takes 20 minutes for the 68 from there to Eagleson P&R.

Nobody like that either. There are 2 bus stops at the intersection of Kanata Ave & Terry Fox. It maybe the 68 what you talked about. As it sits at each side of the street, it should be bi-directional.

I once asked Susan whether it will make a turn to Richardson Road and then go through this tiny community and back to Kanata Ave, she did not know. Maybe you know?

标准配置是上下推着开关的(SINGLE HUNG), 看着别扭, 估计用着也别扭。据说升级成CASEMENT的挺贵的,值得做吗?
标准配置是上下推着开关的(SINGLE HUNG), 看着别扭, 估计用着也别扭。据说升级成CASEMAN的挺贵的,值得做吗?

那是肯定要升级的,我去 Barrhaven那边看样板房在时候,他们告诉我升级就只要600多不知道是不是真的?
那是肯定要升级的,我去 Barrhaven那边看样板房在时候,他们告诉我升级就只要600多不知道是不是真的?

是真的, 刚拿到报价, 差不多. 还以为要很贵呢, 呵呵. 升级是一定要做的啦.

问一下哈, 在这个SITE买了房子的筒子对升级有什么心得? 交流一下吧. 我有超过一半升级项目的报价, 感兴趣的请QQH.
是真的, 刚拿到报价, 差不多. 还以为要很贵呢, 呵呵. 升级是一定要做的啦.

问一下哈, 在这个SITE买了房子的筒子对升级有什么心得? 交流一下吧. 我有超过一半升级项目的报价, 感兴趣的请QQH.

May you please post here? it will be much appreciated if you could!
May you please post here? it will be much appreciated if you could!

I don't think it is a good idea to post them here. And there are so many items. Imposible to list them all here. If you are interested in some specific items, please send me QQH and I will let you know. By the way, my model is Cheasapeake.
I don't think it is a good idea to post them here. And there are so many items. Imposible to list them all here. If you are interested in some specific items, please send me QQH and I will let you know. By the way, my model is Cheasapeake.

晕,我买的也是Cheasapeake,身边认识的几个朋友也是买的Cheasapeak,是不是这个楼盘一半以上的都是cheasapeak model呀?
晕,我买的也是Cheasapeake,身边认识的几个朋友也是买的Cheasapeak,是不是这个楼盘一半以上的都是cheasapeak model呀?



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