Liu Yong (益家装修公司), could you answer your phone???


You are right. The money is paid but not the invoice now. The time is running out of claiming HST quarterly.
sky_walker, 丢人现眼了吧,以后长记性,别精过了头⋯

那人家肯定不能给收据. LZ的意思是让LIU YONG替您交着13%?

我看到法院也难赢,除了非常大的公司,大部分公司都是分现金和支票 两种的

那人家肯定不能给收据. LZ的意思是让LIU YONG替您交着13%?

我看到法院也难赢,除了非常大的公司,大部分公司都是分现金和支票 两种的

I paid $4370 plus HST. By the way, the invoice that I received is just labor fee only. But there is around $500 of material cost. I will send to CRA one letter to explain why I will fill HST tax claim for it. That's all. I am tired of explaining basic knowledge again and again.
I think your best defense to a mechanic's lien is having made payment in full to the general contractor or the person who has filed the lien. Are you sure if the general contractor filed the lien ? Could it be the subcontractor or supplier did that(looks the general contractor only received the labor fee) ? Who should pay the material fee to the supplier ? Everything should be spelled out in the contract if you have one.
I think your best defense to a mechanic's lien is having made payment in full to the general contractor or the person who has filed the lien. Are you sure if the general contractor filed the lien ? Could it be the subcontractor or supplier did that(looks the general contractor only received the labor fee) ? Who should pay the material fee to the supplier ? Everything should be spelled out in the contract if you have one.

As my lawyer told me to pay in full to the lawyer who registered the mechanic lien for the contractor.

There is no contract in our case. Your questions is suitable for big construction project. There is only one contractor in our case.

Anyway, mechanic lien is invalid as soon as the full amount is paid. Its purpose is to secure the payment. In fact, the contractor should notify me before registering mechanic lien, otherwise it's invalid already.
谢”天涯断肠人“的提醒,用中文发帖。回到Mechanic Lien的话题上来。现在还无法弄清事实,对错更说不清。
我一般找人装修房子,如数额不大,都是双方口头上的君子协定。做好出现最坏情况不打官司的准备。如数额教大,又是现金交易,你想保护自己,可要求对方开收据。如对方也想保护自己,收据上只写收到多少钱,并不说明税款。这种收据只作对方提供服务你付款的证明, 无其它。此收据用不到其它地方。有其它用途,事先最好讲好。随便聊聊。
谢”天涯断肠人“的提醒,用中文发帖。回到Mechanic Lien的话题上来。现在还无法弄清事实,对错更说不清。


我一般找人装修房子,如数额不大,都是双方口头上的君子协定。做好出现最坏情况不打官司的准备。如数额教大,又是现金交易,你想保护自己,可要求对方开收据。如对方也想保护自己,收据上只写收到多少钱,并不说明税款。这种收据只作对方提供服务你付款的证明, 无其它。此收据用不到其它地方。有其它用途,事先最好讲好。随便聊聊。

这mechanic lien不是阿猫阿狗就能申请的,要通过律师的,只不过为了保障labour工人的权益,不让owner在未清帐之前把房子卖掉。假如owner不卖房,根本不会有影响。知道有人设了这玩意,owner就不得不settle,不行就上court。


这mechanic lien不是阿猫阿狗就能申请的,要通过律师的,只不过为了保障labour工人的权益,不让owner在未清帐之前把房子卖掉。假如owner不卖房,根本不会有影响。知道有人设了这玩意,owner就不得不settle,不行就上court。


咪咪哥,TA不就是卖房卖到快成交才发现有这个不是阿猫阿狗就能申请到的mechanic lien;)就急了上来威胁别人么,一开始不说自己这方啥原因被人家mechanic lien了再看看敢情TA不pay工钱还想卖房子,所以多数人就怀疑TA赖帐在先了:D

The regsitered mail must be sent to the property address within twenty days by law before the mechanic lien could be registered.

In my case, the lien is registered at 09/09/12, then the registered mail should have been sent to my home address at Aug 20, 2012. "eHome Renovation" almost finished the project at August 01, 2012.

By the way, there is no local homeowner to take the risk to hire the contractors with the record of putting the mechanic lien.

My major concern is the mechanic lien could bring down the credit rate easily.
It's the reason why I wanted to settle the case as soon as possible.

"eHome Renovation" won't get any business in local white community due to the record of the mechanic lien, but many Chinese home owners who don't know the mechanic lien could do the business with them. Now you see why there are some white subconstractors to work for Chinese contractors companies.

Chinese is not smart enough for sure, I am one of them.
1. Tarus称:只要有经过公证的口头陈述表明楼主欠债就可以把债押到房子上。难道对方还有除合同以外的旁证吗?如果没有有力的证据,对方这样作的风险是什么?对方难道不怕输了官司要赔付楼主的律师费及其他损失吗?
2. 从楼主的多个回帖看,楼主想尽快了结此事。是为了破财消灾而不和对方计较对错(我想楼主有此倾向),还是什么地方被对方抓住了把柄而陷于被动? 难道说对方只要把Lien押到你的房子上(不管有没有理由),你就得举手投降?法律只保护一方? 有懂行给个说法。
3. eHome Renovation 有没有对其他客户干同样的事? 有没有其他苦主啊?如果有,是有些可怕。
4. 至今没看到对方的说法。对整个过程只有单方的解释。
