
This is weird.

"1. All evidences that have been used support the evolution theory have been proven false;" In what sense is it proven false? In scientific sense? But scientists and scientific jounerals do not think this way, because they think it is proven right in science and continue to publish these studies. In a religious sense it has been proven false? Probably, because many religous people believe it is false.

So, who can define what is science, the scientific society, or a religious person?

In the sense no one can challenge this particular claim and dozens of other very specific claims of his. This guy has been debating with all kinds of evolutionists, including graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and professors who had spent millions of taxpayers dollars trying to prove the theory of evolution.

Well, perhaps you can achieve the impossible - prove him wrong.:)
In the sense no one can challenge this particular claim and dozens of other very specific claims of his. This guy has been debating with all kinds of evolutionists, including graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and professors who had spent millions of taxpayers dollars trying to prove the theory of evolution.

Well, perhaps you can achieve the impossible - prove him wrong.:)

In a sense that no one can challenge a particular claim, then the claim is not science, but a religion. How can you challenge a religion? A religion cannot be argued. It can only be believed. Can you challenge a belief that there is a god, a supernature in the world? No, I don't think so.

A theory, especially a scientific theory can be challenged, and it always be challenged. A scientific theory is never, and will never be perfect, which means it will be challenged all time. Only a religious theory is perfect, which is not able to be challenged. This is a fundamental difference between science and religion in terms of explaining the world and its existence.
In a sense that no one can challenge a particular claim, then the claim is not science, but a religion. How can you challenge a religion? A religion cannot be argued. It can only be believed. Can you challenge a belief that there is a god, a supernature in the world? No, I don't think so.

A theory, especially a scientific theory can be challenged, and it always be challenged. A scientific theory is never, and will never be perfect, which means it will be challenged all time. Only a religious theory is perfect, which is not able to be challenged. This is a fundamental difference between science and religion in terms of explaining the world and its existence.
You know what? If there is indeed a Being (Call Him God or whatever you like) who created the universe, then this Being is by His very nature unapproachable and unfathomable to His creatures. The only way His creatures can possibly have some knowledge of their Creator is the biblical way, i.e., the Creator outreaches to His creatures. :)

Typical logic fallacy.

There seems to be a contradiction in this unknowable god because to say that something is unknowable, one must first have knowledge about it. Now some christians (and muslims) say that god is unknowable. Their basis to the existence of their god is their respective holy books. But their holy books tells us something, in fact almost everything, about their god and these holy books show the personality of their God (example, jesus christ as told by the gospels). Thus making their god known or knowable. We can clearly see and know their god which really contradicts their claim that their god is unknowable.

another point is if god is unknowable, how do you verify what holy book to use and which lier to believe ( jesus vs muhammad ).



耶稣教人吃自己屎,饮自己尿 - 呵呵

耶稣教人吃自己屎,饮自己尿 - 呵呵


这个帖子里所贴的几个Kent Hovind 的视频,他有很多明确的主张.其中一条非常“极端”,那就是“所有已知用来支持进化论的证据都是谎言”. 他并且悬赏半米寻求站得住脚的证据。这么“极端”的一个论点,在科学如此昌明的现在,应该是极易推翻的 - 任何一个人只要提出一条真正科学的可靠证据即可。



这个帖子里所贴的几个Kent Hovind 的视频,他有很多明确的主张.其中一条非常“极端”,那就是“所有已知用来支持进化论的证据都是谎言”.

他并且悬赏半米寻求站得住脚的证据。这么“极端”的一个论点,在科学如此昌明的现在,应该是极易推翻的 - 任何一个人只要提出一条真正




:D :D :D :D

就基督徒个人与 上主的关系而言,进化论的证据是不是谎言,很可能都是次要的。

而非基督徒可能对 上主 这称呼感到不舒服,那大可用个符号替代。重点还是个人

要主动与 上主 接触。而基督徒中也不见得人人都反对进化论。其实更多的基督徒

也是科学与理性的铁杆丝粉。而 Chris 就是这丝粉堆里的其中一位。:p :p :p :p :D :D :D :D :D :D

这个帖子里所贴的几个Kent Hovind 的视频,他有很多明确的主张.其中一条非常“极端”,那就是“所有已知用来支持进化论的证据都是谎言”. 他并且悬赏半米寻求站得住脚的证据。这么“极端”的一个论点,在科学如此昌明的现在,应该是极易推翻的 - 任何一个人只要提出一条真正科学的可靠证据即可。




还有这位Kent Hovind 悬赏半米寻求站得住脚的证据,实际上他悬赏万亿也找不到他认为站得住脚的证据,你说谁会认真提供证据?半米和万亿都不相关。所有被科学界认为是科学证据的他认为都是谎言,那么他的悬赏又能给他带来什么样的证据呢?


:cool: :cool: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :zhichi::zhichi::zhichi:

您 也是一位好笑的基督教基督徒吧?!  :p :p :p :p :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D









科学界是一个自我管理的“界”,所以它有自己偏见并且因为自己的偏见而拒绝真知灼见,很正常。然而,不被现在的科学界接受的东西不一定不被未来的科学界接受,正像许多不被以前的科学界接受的东东被现在的科学界奉为金科玉律一样 - 这说明一个非常重要的问题 - 请思考。:)


科学应该拒绝伪证、拒绝谎言,这是Dr. Hovind 的基本观点。他所作的,是用科学证据证明目前教科书中用来支持进化论的证据无一例外都站不住脚,并且有许多已经被证明是故意的谎言。基于此,他认为这些“证据”都应该从教科书中去掉。当然,他也指出了进化论的这样一个困境,如果去掉这些“证据”,进化论将不再有任何证据。这就暴露出进化论不是科学而是信仰的本质。
