精华 移民应该知道的事情: 核污染的遗产, 知道为什么当地人不吃从河里钓的鱼吗?


http://www.ottawacitizen.com/technology/Federal nuclear watchdog wants answers reactor main cooling system/8351245/story.html
Human Error to Blame for Near Nuclear Disaster in Canada
Published on Wednesday, 08 May 2013 15:09

After the Chalk River nuclear reactor in Canada narrowly averted a potentially catastrophic incident in February, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) has concluded that the “root cause has not been determined, but human error was a major contributor to this event.”

On Feb. 27 someone erroneously shut down a pumping system which nearly caused a “near-miss safety significant event” the just-released CNSC report says. Fortunately someone spotted the mistake before the NRU reactor started to overheat.

The report points out other irregularities as well, noting that “instead of closing the process water valves, the rods supervisor started to close main heavy water pump outlet isolation valves. The senior reactor shift engineer did not immediately identify this error, but it was noticed by the facility manager, who was present in the control room. The facility manager immediately proceeded to stop the closure of the main heavy water pump outlet isolation valves and reopen them.”

The CNSC also worries that Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., who owns and operates the Chalk River reactor, in general “may be underestimating the possibility of operator errors.”


一直在运行。全世界所有医院放射科使用的放射同位素,几乎都是这里生产的。http://www.ottawacitizen.com/health/weapons grade uranium shipments Chalk River near/8446302/story.html

渥太华属于核污染高危区,所以,大概10年前,建立了核污染实时监控系统,安装了探测器,24小时不间断遥测数据。下图是放射物探测器的安装位置分布图。圆圈内有!号的是在核设施区域和沿CHALK RIVER和Ottawa River的探测器,圆圈内有实心三角符号的,在渥太华市区。

让人担心的,主要是CHALK LAKE核设施经费不足,还有就是核废料储箱年代太久老化,已经有锈蚀,且处于地震带上。


事实胜于雄辩! 还是看看事实吧1

Chalk River Reactor Pollutes Ottawa River with Radioactive Water
Ottawa – Environmental groups are calling for a public investigation including full disclosure of the details surrounding recent nuclear accidents at AECL's Chalk River Labs. The Canadian Nuclear and Safety Commission (CNSC) and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) failed to inform the public about a December 5 spill of highly radioactive heavy water from the NRU Reactor, and a continuing leak of as much as 7,000 litres daily. CSNC has not responded to a request from the Sierra Club Canada for details on these radioactive leaks.

“The latest incident at Chalk River has further eroded the public trust in CNSC as a regulator. Radioactive pollution from nuclear reactors poses a serious threat to our health and the environment, and it is clear that the public is not being informed about the dangers,” said Mike Buckthought of Sierra Club Canada.

Canadian reactors routinely release radioactive tritium into the atmosphere and nearby bodies of water. All radiation releases increase risks of birth defects, cancer and other diseases. Tritium – radioactive hydrogen – is particularly dangerous because it can move readily as water to any cell in the body and accumulate in DNA; and it has just the right decay energy to damage DNA without killing the cell.

“Canada’s nuclear reactors pollute the air, rivers and ocean with radioactive water. The public needs to be informed about the threats to our health, and the government should stop supporting nuclear energy – there are environmentally sound alternatives, such as wind and solar power,” said Buckthought. “Instead, the latest Harper budget continues to prop up the nuclear industry with funding of $351 million.”

Radioactive Water from Nuclear Plant contaminates Ottawa River

Radiation leaking at double the ‘action level’

Chalk River Reactor Pollutes Ottawa River with Radioactive Water
Ottawa – Environmental groups are calling for a public investigation including full disclosure of the details surrounding recent nuclear accidents at AECL's Chalk River Labs. The Canadian Nuclear and Safety Commission (CNSC) and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) failed to inform the public about a December 5 spill of highly radioactive heavy water from the NRU Reactor, and a continuing leak of as much as 7,000 litres daily. CSNC has not responded to a request from the Sierra Club Canada for details on these radioactive leaks.

“The latest incident at Chalk River has further eroded the public trust in CNSC as a regulator. Radioactive pollution from nuclear reactors poses a serious threat to our health and the environment, and it is clear that the public is not being informed about the dangers,” said Mike Buckthought of Sierra Club Canada.

Canadian reactors routinely release radioactive tritium into the atmosphere and nearby bodies of water. All radiation releases increase risks of birth defects, cancer and other diseases. Tritium – radioactive hydrogen – is particularly dangerous because it can move readily as water to any cell in the body and accumulate in DNA; and it has just the right decay energy to damage DNA without killing the cell.

“Canada’s nuclear reactors pollute the air, rivers and ocean with radioactive water. The public needs to be informed about the threats to our health, and the government should stop supporting nuclear energy – there are environmentally sound alternatives, such as wind and solar power,” said Buckthought. “Instead, the latest Harper budget continues to prop up the nuclear industry with funding of $351 million.”

Radioactive Water from Nuclear Plant contaminates Ottawa River

Radiation leaking at double the ‘action level’

唉,一朝核污染,百年难消除。政府也是为了自己的利益,不顾老百姓的死活。关键是在地图上的那块核污染的区域,位于ottawa生活区的上游,水和空气都是从那儿南下到ottawa。 核辐射对细胞的损坏不是短时间就能看出来的,特别是对孩子的影响,对于将要在这个区域生孩子的人来说,还是很担心的。

核污染 - 简介

核污染 - 起因
核污染 - 危害


放射性物质不仅沉降在爆炸点附近,还能飘落到非常遥远的地方,而且它对环境的辐射污染时间相当长,几千年甚至上万年都不会消失。核子武器爆炸后 通常是以三种杀伤为主:光辐射 冲击波 核辐射。核子武器爆炸瞬间发出的强光会使眼睛出现暴盲失明,所以首先是眼睛不要面对爆炸点
核污染 - 防治
5,避免 核战争。约束有核国家关于核武器的研制和开发。
核污染 - 相关事件

1986年4月26日凌晨1时30分,在苏联白俄罗斯乌克兰大 森林地带东部的切尔诺贝利核电站第 4号机组发生的一次反应堆堆心毁坏、部分厂房倒塌的灾难性事故。当场造成31人死亡,大量强辐射物质泄漏。俄罗斯大约4300个城镇和村庄坐落在切尔诺贝 利核电站事故后遭受放射污染的区域。 在布良斯克和卡卢加地区,来自私人农场的蔬菜和家畜的放射性水平大约有13%不正常。外漏放射性污染不仅影响苏联大 片地区,还波及瑞典芬兰波兰等国,成为引起世界震动的一次核电站事故。截止2006年,还有 超过150万俄罗斯人住在受切尔诺贝利核电站事故污染的土地上,其中有人还在吃受放射性污染的食物。联合国卫生机构评论说,大约9300人可能死于由放射性污染引起的癌症。

1979年3月28日凌晨4时,美国宾夕法尼亚州三里岛核电站第2组反应堆的操作室里,红灯闪亮,汽笛报警,涡轮机停转,堆心压力和温度骤然升高, 2小时后,大量放射性物质溢出。


美国在1965年发射的一颗军用卫星中,用反应堆温差发电器作为电源,由于电源调节器出现故障仅工作43天。以钚238放射性同位素作热源的同位素温差发电器,曾用于“子午仪”号导航卫星,“林肯” 号试验卫星和“雨云”号卫星。这些卫星经过长时间的空间运行后,放射性同位素衰变殆尽,再入大气层烧毁。美国在1964年4月发射“子午仪”号导航卫星 时,因发射失败卫星所携带的放射性同位素源被烧毁,钚238散布在大气层中并扩散至全球。后来改用特种石墨作同位素源外壳,以防烧毁。1968年5月“雨 云”号气象卫星发射失败时,核电源落入圣巴巴拉海峡,后被打捞上来。
核污染 - 去除方法